Grade 5 Langille/Van Poelgeest Poetry Collection
Will’s I Wish Poem I wish I Didn’t Have a Headache I wish I didn’t have a headache I wish I would feel better at a lake I wish it was a fake Please go away for heaven’s sake!
Aidan’s I Wish Poem I wish poem I wish I was in the military I wish I could drive I wish I had my own house I wish I could make it snow
Mitchell’s Acrostic Poem E verybody A tmosphere R ain T rees H abitation
Emily’s Diamante Poem Alli Silly, loud Talking, running, bugging me Odd, colourful, jumpy, louder Yelling, playing, climbing Busy, smart Maddy.
Matt and another student’s Acrostic Poem Harmony Awesome Right school for you Running club is great Yummy hot lunch Really cool compared to the other schools Hope A good place to be Made of awesome people In Sackville Large school Tag and 4-square at morning, recess and lunch Original New people
Logan’s Acrostic Poem Tanks Tanks are deadly Around and around they drive Narrowing it down to one Killing the enemy
Student’s I Wish Poem I wish… I wish I had magic powers I wish I could do anything I wanted to do I wish I could play tricks on people I wish I could make a game that we could play and win
Cole’s If I Were Poem If I were a pencil, I’d be griped and used, If I were a pencil, I’d be broken and bruised, If I were a pencil, I’d fall off a desk and lie there, Waiting, to die.
Ryan’s I Like Poem I like bone books I like TV I like going home I like pizza
Rachel’s Haiku Poem Tia Tia is my dog She is a Brittney spaniel She is brown and white
Lauren’s Diamante Poem Flowers Tall, short Growing, Showing, glowing Beautiful, colourful, flowing, blooming Planting, roots, soil Ants, leafs Plants
Kandra’s Limerick Poem There once was a monster named Bob, He decided he wanted a job, He wanted to be a baseball teacher, But all of the kids ran off the bleachers, And that was the end of Bob’s job!!!!
Maggie’s Haiku Poem School is really cool Doing Math is really cool Recess is awesome!
Haley’s Rhyming Quatrain Flowers Flowers big and bright They always get a lot of light When winter comes they lay their heads Until spring comes up ahead
Faith’s I used to be…but now Poem I used to be a pup, jumping up and down. Playing with my friends and family. Now I am a dog Lying at my master’s feet, By the fire And the moon shining through the windows.
Kayla’s _______ is… Poem Summer is…. When you don’t have to go to school Playing outside with your friends Having a friend over for the whole weekend Swimming in my pool with my sister.
Savanna’s I used to be, but now… Poem I used to be a little seed, Sitting in an apple. Having no worries in the world, Now I’m an apple tree. Blowing in the wind Feeding my people.
Kyle’s I Wish Poem I wish I was a skate board Doing an Ollie, up and down I would not frown Going up and down the drop in I would skate all day and night……