Types of Fiction 1. Traditional- These are the oldest and most “traditional” types of fiction.
Fairy Tales- involve magical elements & make the impossible seem possible Tall Tales - (ex. Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill) physical features and deeds are greatly exaggerated
Tall Tales… These exaggerate the character’s physical features and powers. For example, the tale may say that Paul Bunyans’ feet were so large that when he stepped, his footprints formed the lakes.
Folklore – general term covering folktales, proverbs, ritual speeches, folk songs, fables, etc. Handed down by word of mouth. Helps members of a culture stay connected to one another.
Fable – kind of folklore in which a brief story is used to teach a lesson about human nature. Aesop’s Fables Usually a fable ends with a moral or lesson.
Characters – often animals who speak and act like people. Giving life characteristics to animals ?? Personification
Legends– relate amazing events or accomplishments; are stories known throughout a cultural group. Their heroes may be humans, animals, or even plants, enchanted objects, or forces of nature.
“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”… EXAMPLE: The Headless Horseman is the amazing event in this legend.
Myths – traditional stories about gods and goddesses or how things came to be. These stories usually reflect a culture’s religious or other deeply held beliefs. Myth – something that isn’t true!
Epics – extended stories of a hero’s quest. Quest – a mission or a journey.
2.Fantasy– explores unreal worlds of the past, the present, & the future.
Tuck Everlasting The fantasy element here is the magical water that allows you to live forever and never age.
3.Science Fiction – explores imaginary worlds of the past, the present, & the future. Often has characters living in the future or shows people using technology that is not
available today. The characters deal with modern issues & problems; such as prejudice, fear, and isolation.
4.Realistic Fiction – The events are not real, factual events BUT they could have actually happened. It seems very “realistic.”
5.Historical Fiction– novel, play, short story, or narrative poem that sets fictional characters against a historical backdrop & contains many details about the period in which it is set.
Nonfiction – factual prose writing. Nonfiction deals with real people & experiences.
1.Informational – conveys facts and information without introducing personal opinion. Just gives the facts. Example: Textbooks
2.Biography – the account of a person’s life written by someone else
3.Autobiography – The story of a person’s life written by that person.
4.Memoir – a biographical or autobiographical narrative. An account of an event or period emphasizing the narrator’s personal experience of it.
OVERVIEW… Literature is broken up into 3 categories… Poetry, Drama, & Prose. Prose = Includes Fiction and Nonfiction Fiction = False or Not True Nonfiction = Not False or True
Fiction Includes… Traditional Fantasy Science Fiction Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction
Nonfiction Includes… Informational Biography Autobiography Memoir