JESUS CHRIST the only way
Today we celebrate the resurrection of JESUS who is the only way to the FATHER but why is this important? In John 14 v6 JESUS declared : I AM the way the TRUTH and life. No one comes to the FATHER except through me The key passion for JESUS was to make a way for man to reach to GOD the FATHER JESUS made the only way by shedding HIS blood. No other prophet or holy man shed their blood to redeem their followers (Buddha, Mohammed) None of these religions have the transformation power that we see in the NAME of JESUS
How can we be certain about these events? Could Christ have simply arranged HIS life to match all the previous Bible prophecies, including all the miracles, the earthquakes? He would have to have all HIS enemies (the Roman Army, Chief priest, Pharisees and the whole Jewish nation play to HIS script!) HE would also have to ‘manufacture’ every supernatural event in the Bible (virgin birth, healings, walking on water etc) Prophesied over 400 times in the Bible: Sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zech 11v ), JESUS’ word on the cross (Ps 22 v1-7, v16-17), JESUS’ sufferings (Isa 53 v1-12) It was recorded by many 1 st Century non-Christian historians such as Josephus Why would JESUS’ disciples choose to die for what they know is a lie e.g. being burnt alive or thrown to lions? What of the transforming power that we see today?
Why the cross? It is the only solution to sin Sin is costly! Man’s relationship with GOD has broken Sin is dangerous ! Even presidents have lost their place due to sin Sin is deadly! Even lying can kill (ask Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5) Without JESUS, we were all on death row Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Heb 9 v22, Lev 17 v11) Sacrifice of bulls and goats could not take away sins –it simply covers sin but the power of sin is not broken (Heb 10 v 1-7) Blood of JESUS cleanses us and provides eternal redemption (Heb 9 v11-14) GOD so loved the world (John 3 v16). GOD made man in HIS own image …there is always that attachment to HIS creation
Why the cross? It is the only access to GOD Access to GOD has never been easy without JESUS Open Heaven’s of the 25 March 2013 was entitled “ GOD so approachable” has it always been like that? Esther 5 v1-3: Having access to people in authority is very hard and even in the olden days it can cost lives e.g. Esther BEFORE JESUS CAME Ex 19 v V10: There is preparation: consecration and washing V12 -13: Access for everyone is NOT allowed V16 -19: The LORD thunders and even mountains quake hence one has to be careful and approach HIM with GODLY fear and humility v21: Unauthorised access will kill - just like any live wire can kill v23: Once a place is declared a Holy ground, there MUST be limits set v22 -25: Even the priest could NOT have access to GOD’s presence
Access to GOD is limited to the qualified ISREAL ON THE MOVE and the TEMPLE has demarcations (inner and outer court and the HOLY of HOLIES) i.e. there are limits to access The Temple was where the presence of GOD resided You MUST qualify(i.e. be a Levite) before you can even have access to the Tabernacle(Num 1 v47-53) You MUST be the High priest to have access to the inner court and the HOLY of HOLIES It is only at the HOLY of HOLIES that requests can be made.
Access to GOD is limited to the qualified
AFTER JESUS DIED I.E TODAY Matthew 27 v JESUS cut the curtain granting us access into the HOLY of HOLIES It is only at the HOLY of HOLIES that requests are granted JESUS is still making a way and opening doors for us today You don’t need to be of any pedigree but you MUST be born again. We see that JESUS set people free once HIS blood touches the earth to the extent that even the dead arose. HE is still doing the same today! Access to GOD is granted to everyone
Today the only access is through the BLOOD of JESUS (Heb 9v11-14 and 10v 1-10) The BLOOD of JESUS took common people like us from the exterior into the Outer court -> from the Outer to the Inner court -> and from the Inner court to the HOLY of HOLIES Our LORD JESUS also granted us freedom so that we can come boldly to GOD the FATHER to receive help in time of need(Heb 4 v16) Access to GOD is granted to everyone
The Cost of Salvation Matthew 27 v 22-66, Matthew 28 v1-10, v16-20
Demonstration of humility (Phil 2v 5-8) Demonstration of total submission to the will of GOD v us humans (Isa 53, Heb 2v – Captain of our Salvation) Showing forgiveness & self control (even when nailed to the cross), Christ restrained himself for you! Make no mistake, JESUS’ suffering was brutal (King of the Jews!) JESUS agonised over what HE was about to face Could there be any other way (JESUS enquired of the FATHER). Do not be deceived – there is NO other way except through JESUS The Cost of Salvation
The BLOOD of JESUS speaks forgiveness unlike the blood of Abel that speaks condemnation Matt 28v18: JESUS said “All power is given unto me” The BLOOD of JESUS has power over death and Hell and the devil – I am the resurrection and the Life(JESUS told Martha) - Dead saints rose (Math 27 v 52-53) Opened the way for us to have direct access to the FATHER (Math 27 v 51) Securing our hope for eternal life Bought us by HIS blood - HE now stands as the GREAT HIGH PRIEST(Heb 2 v14 -18) Victory through the BLOOD of JESUS
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10:4) JESUS triumphed over the devil and all principalities and powers (Col 2 v15, Eph 1 v21) JESUS wiped away the death penalty (Col 2 v 13-14) JESUS restored our relationship with the FATHER (Eph 2 v14 -18) For by one offering HE has perfected forever those who are being sanctified(Heb 10:14). Victory through the BLOOD of JESUS
The BLOOD of JESUS brings a new covenant (Matt 26v28) I am going to my FATHER and your father (John 20 v17) JESUS still stands today as our GREAT HIGH PRIEST pleading for us because of HIS blood. Because CHRIST himself suffered HE is able to sympathise with them that suffers (Heb 2v18) JESUS also gave us the only weapon that defeats the devil Rev 12 v11: They overcame him by the BLOOD of the LAMB Victory through the BLOOD of JESUS
Hope for the future The BLOOD of JESUS also qualifies us for Heaven Rev 7 v9-14: Those whose robe are washed in the BLOOD of the LAMB Victory through the BLOOD of JESUS
There is no other way but JESUS May the LORD bless you as you keep HIS word Amen