OSCARS Overview Path Computation Topology Reachability Contraints Scheduling AAA Availability Provisioning Signalling Security Resiliency/Redundancy OSCARS Guaranteed Bandwidth Virtual Circuit Services
Using OSCARS Web-Based User Interface (WBUI) –SSL connection to server –Username and password login SOAP Messages –SSL connection to server –WSDL service description –Signed SOAP messages <wsdl:definitions name="OSCARS" targetNamespace=" xmlns:xsd=" xmlns:wsdl=" xmlns:soap=" xmlns:tns=" This is WSDL for the OSCARS public reservation interface. These messages must be signed using the following WS-secuirty standards. The message is time stamped and includes the X.509 certificate of the signing entity. The timestamp, certificate and message body are all signed. DRAFT V1.0 Nov 2006 <xsd:schema targetNamespace=" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xsd=" xmlns:tns=" …
Source Sink MPLS labels are attached onto packets from Source and placed in separate queue to ensure guaranteed bandwidth. Regular production traffic queue. Interface queues SDN IP IP Link SDN Link RSVP, MPLS enabled on internal interfaces standard, best-effort queue high-priority queue LSP between ESnet border routers is determined using topology information from OSPF-TE. Path of LSP is explicitly directed to take SDN network where possible. On the SDN Ethernet switches all traffic is MPLS switched (layer 2.5). Layer 3 VC Service: Packets matching reservation profile IP flow-spec are filtered out (i.e. policy based routing), policed to reserved bandwidth, and injected into an LSP. Layer 2 VC Service: Packets matching reservation profile VLAN ID are filtered out (i.e. L2VPN), policed to reserved bandwidth, and injected into an LSP. Label Switched Path SDN Link The Mechanisms Underlying OSCARS
ESnet4 IP + SDN Final Configuration for 2007 Denver Seattle Sunnyvale LA San Diego Chicago Raleigh Jacksonville KC El Paso Albuq. Tulsa Clev. Boise Wash DC Salt Lake City Portland Baton Rouge Houston Pitts. NYC Boston Philadelphia Indianapolis Nashville (1(3)) ESnet IP core (10Gb/s) ESnet Science Data Network core ESnet SDN core, NLR links (existing) Lab supplied link LHC related link Metro Area Network International IP Connections Atlanta OC48 Layer 1 optical nodes at eventual ESnet Points of Presence ESnet IP switch only hubs ESnet IP switch/router hubs ESnet SDN switch hubs Layer 1 optical nodes not currently in ESnet plans Lab site
ESnet4 Core networks Gbps by (10Gb/s circuits), Gbps by (100 Gb/s circuits) Cleveland Europe (GEANT) Asia-Pacific New York Chicago Washington DC Atlanta CERN (30+ Gbps) Seattle Albuquerque Australia San Diego LA Denver South America (AMPATH) South America (AMPATH) Canada (CANARIE) CERN (30+ Gbps) Canada (CANARIE) Europe (GEANT) Asia- Pacific Asia Pacific GLORIAD (Russia and China) Boise Houston Jacksonville Tulsa Boston Science Data Network Core IP Core Kansas City Australia Core network fiber path is ~ 14,000 miles / 24,000 km 1625 miles / 2545 km 2700 miles / 4300 km Sunnyvale Production IP core (10Gbps) SDN core ( Gbps) MANs (20-60 Gbps) or backbone loops for site access International connections IP core hubs Primary DOE Labs SDN hubs High speed cross-connects with Ineternet2/Abilene Possible hubs USLHCNet
Today ESnet Virtual Circuit Service Roadmap Dynamic virtual circuit services for Layer 3 (IP) connections (using MPLS) Dynamic virtual circuit services for Layer 2 (Ethernet VLAN) connections (using MPLS) Dynamic virtual circuit services for Layer 1 (TBD) connections (using GMPLS) Initial production (L2-L3) service Full production service