23.3: The New Deal Affects Many Groups OBJECTIVE: to learn how the New Deal affected various social and ethnic groups
NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN Frances Perkins (p ) "I came to Washington to work for God, FDR, and the millions of forgotten, plain common workingmen.” First woman to be a cabinet member, as Sec. of Labor
NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR AFRICAN-AMERICANS Mary McLeod Bethune (p ) First African-American member of a president’s administration, as head of Office of Minority Affairs Helped organize a “Black Cabinet”
Mary McLeod Bethune In 1935 Mary McLeod Bethune (front center), became the first African American woman to hold a high-ranking government position, serving as the head of the Office of Minority Affairs in the National Youth Administration. Here, she is shown with the council of Negro Women, which she helped organize in 1935 to focus on the problems faced by African Americans at the national level. (New York Public Library, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture) Mary McLeod Bethune Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
DISAPPOINTMENTS ALSO… FDR did NOT help pass… a federal anti-lynching law or end the poll tax. Many New Deal programs discriminated against African Americans with lower wages, less relief, and segregation
MEXICAN AMERICANS Received even less aid than African- Americans. Many Mexican-American migrant farm workers were intentionally excluded because of their lack of a permanent address, UNLIKE white migrant farm workers.
NATIVE AMERICANS FDR appoints John Collier, who helps create the Indian Reorganization Act of Strengthened Native American land claims Restored tribal ownership of reservation lands HELPED TO REVERSE ASSIMILATION POLICES OF THE DAWES ACT.
23.5: The Impact of the New Deal OBJECTIVE: To understand the short-term and long-term effects of the New Deal
Third New Deal??? By 1939 the New Deal was effectively over. Americans did not want a “Third New Deal” Depression seemed to be easing Problems in Europe taking center stage FDR did not like deficit spending, which continued expansion of New Deal would require.
Roosevelt’s Recession Recovery from 1933 to 1937 was modest 1937 – severe depression FDR authorizes “planned deficit spending” BLAME: A. Social Security payroll taxes B. Attempts to balance budget ANALYSIS: “deficit spending” of Keynesian economics could have ended depression and recession. US will have to wait for WWII to end it.
Memorial Day Massacre How do historians know that police officers were largely responsible for the 1937 Memorial Day Massacre in Chicago? There is both photographic and medical evidence of the police's culpability. Covering the story at the Republic Steel plant were a cameraman from Paramount News and photographers from Life magazine and the Wide World Photos syndicate. Paramount News suppressed its film footage, claiming that releasing it "might very well incite local riots," but an enterprising reporter alerted a congressional committee to its existence, and a private viewing was arranged. Spectators at this showing, the reporter noted, "were shocked and amazed by the scenes showing scores of uniformed policemen firing their revolvers pointblank into a dense crowd of men, women, and children, and then pursuing the survivors unmercifully as they made frantic efforts to escape." Medical evidence also substantiated the picketers' version: none of the ten people killed by the police had been shot from the front. Clearly, the demonstrators had been trying to flee the police when they were shot or clubbed to the ground. (WideWorld Photos, Inc.) Memorial Day Massacre Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Women's emergency brigade with signs During the 1937 sit-down strike by automobile workers in Flint, Michigan, a women's "emergency brigade" of wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and sweethearts conducted daily demonstrations at the plants. When the police sought to force the men out of Chevrolet Plant No. 9 by filling it with tear gas, the women armed themselves with clubs and smashed out the plant's windows to let in fresh air. (Wide World Photos, Inc.) Women's emergency brigade with signs Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Which long-term benefit of the New Deal do you think has had the most impact? Why?
New Deal Reforms that Endure Expansion of role of federal government in the economy –FDIC, SEC, deficit spending to spur economy Government protection of workers’ rights –National Labor Relations Board Managing rural economy and production –Parity and price supports, electrification Social Security/Welfare System Conservation of the environment –no more Dust Bowls, TVA, new national parks
Compare and Contrast the presidencies of Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Identify and discuss the causes and the effects of the Great Depression on people living in rural and urban areas. Identify the key programs of the New Deal. Discuss which programs were most important, most successful, most controversial and why.