May 2014 Chapter Leader Webinar Mary Beth Lech, CFCM, Fellow NCMA Chapter Relations Manager x1119 Tammy Lewis NCMA Chapter Support x1100
2 Monthly Chapter Leader WebEx Recordings Now Available NCMA monthly chapter leader WebEx discussions are now being recorded for you to listen to as a refresher at a later date. Go to the NCMA Chapter Resources page and in the left column, click on Chapter Training Materials. Copies of the briefing charts are also available for you there.NCMA Chapter Resources page
3 Today’s Agenda Monthly WebEx recordings Special guests Po Collins and Tom Robinson on CMLDP Leadership Book Club follow up New webinars, seminars and NES Webinars on Demand Summer Chapter Leader Summit World Congress Save the Dates Call for GCMS proposals Chapter events and photos Chapter Leader Materials Chapter Elections NCMA Resources page Membership reports and rosters NCMA Awards Did You Know… End of Year Reporting Chapter Grants Social Media What’s On Your Mind?
Today’s Special Guests Po Collins, CPCM, CPM, Fellow, NCMA CMLDP Program Manager Tom Robinson, SES, Contract Management Leadership Development Program Oversight Committee Chair 4
CMLDP Restructure Class
Overview for Restructured CMLDP – PY 2015 Mission & Vision Overarching Themes Curriculum by Month Curriculum Modifications/Enhancements CMLDP Attendee Profile & Engagement Strategy 6
Mission & Vision CMLDP Mission: Help develop the next generation of contract management leaders. CMLDP Vision: Enrich the lives of its participants by creating life changing opportunities to enable improvements in organizational performance of the contracting profession through NCMA programs and forums. 7
Overarching Themes & Measured Learning Senior-Leader Engagement: Greater use of senior leadership to achieve program goals Competency-Based Learning: Greater emphasis on CMBOK competencies as foundational tool Competency-Based Goals: Emphasis of in-resident events as part of competency-based curriculum (i.e. GCMS, Training Forums, World Congress) Organizational Value Proposition: Attendees to focus on research, study, and solutions to real-time challenges in contract management Mentoring Action Plan (MAP): Enhanced engagement strategies & oversight with Mentoring Action Plan (MAP) Metric of Success: Post CMLDP follow-up with graduates, NCMA certifications, chapter officer positions, program support 8
Student Profile, Selection Strategy, & Financials Target candidate: 4-8 years experience Timeline: –Call for applications May 1, 2014-June 30, 2014 –Application review begins July 1, 2014 –Selections determined at World Congress 2014 –New class announced August 2014 –First assignment August 28, 2014 Application fee: $30 Materials fee: ~$180 9
Return on Investment 193 Program Graduates Board of Directors Directors—3 Chapter Officer Positions President—58 Vice President—144 Secretary—33 Treasurer—43 Total elected—527 Committee/Wo rking Group Positions— 133 NCMA Certifications CCCM—10 CFCM—68 CPCM—18 Fellows—10 Other Areas National Education Seminars Conference/webinar presenters Mentors Faculty 10
Curriculum by Month MonthEventCategory AugustCMLDP Overview & ExpectationsLeadership SeptemberMentor Overview & ExpectationsLeadership Ethics & Compliance – CM Code of EthicsContract Management OctoberNCMA Governance SystemNCMA Governance NCMA Policies & PracticesNCMA Governance NovemberMyers Briggs Test (online)Leadership Leadership Insights #1Leadership Board of Directors MeetingNCMA Governance Fall Chapter Leader SummitLeadership Government Contract Management Symposium Contract Management Mentoring Action Plan (MAP) Update #1Leadership DecemberResearch Paper Topic DeadlineContract Management 11
Curriculum by Month (cont’d) MonthEventCategory JanuaryFocused Leader ProfileLeadership Ethics & Compliance Assignment #2Contract Management Research Paper Outline DeadlineContract Management FebruaryMAP Update #2Leadership Force-field Problem Solving ModelLeadership MarchNational Education Seminar (current topic)Contract Management NCMA Training ForumContract Management Research Paper DeadlineContract Management AprilConflict Strategies InventoryLeadership Community Service Project - PlanningVolunteerism 12
Curriculum by Month (cont’d) MonthEventCategory MayProject Leadership AssessmentLeadership Ethics & Compliance #3Contract Management JuneThe Comprehensive LeaderLeadership MAP Update #3Leadership JulyLeadership Insights #2Leadership Summer Chapter Leader SummitLeadership Community Service ProjectVolunteerism World CongressContract Management NCMA Chapter meetings, workshops, and Seminars Contract Management/Volunteerism 13
Curriculum Modifications/Enhancements WebinarsIn-residentMentoringEthics & Compliance/ Governance Research Paper Elimination of 3 webinarsSenior leader interactionPair mentors earlier (someone outside organization, consider BOA members) Deliverable updatesTie paper to existing issue within organization (maybe this is listed on the application) Update existing presentations Research sessions before conference - write-up following event Monthly evidence of communication with mentors Update existing recordingsTie paper to CMBOK competencies Deliverable due date changes Participation in Fall and Summer Chapter Leader Summits in place of January conference Elimination of 1 E&C webinar (redundancy) Reviewers to participate once student’s outlines are submitted – provide more feedback on quality of paper in advance of paper deadline Pre-webinar assignmentsSummarize activities to chapter via presentation or newsletter article Student/BOD interaction to learn about association functions and committees Mentor interaction - once student’s outlines are submitted – provide more feedback on quality of paper in advance of paper deadline Group project: Lead community service project at World Congress 14
The Call for Applications for the CMLDP class runs May 1 - June 30, 2014.Call for Applications Visit the Program Information page to learn more.Program Information For questions, or call or contact the program manager, Po Collins, CPCM, C.P.M., Fellow at 15
Any questions for Po or Tom? 16
FAST FRIDAY webinar on June 13th Past Distinguished Graduates Danielle Mattei and Dominick Belfiore will answer all the unasked, behind the scenes questions about CMLDP Date: Friday, June 13, 2014 Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) Meeting Number: Meeting Password: ncma To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!) Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: ncma 4. Click "Join". 17
Leadership Book Club What ten books can start off your chapter book club? ouncements/DispForm.aspx?ID=120&Source=ht tp%3A%2F%2Fresources%2Encmahq%2Eorg% 2Fchapters%2Fdefault%2Easpx
19 Developing Winning Proposals is designed to provide you with the nuts and bolts you need to review a request for proposal (RFP), put a proposal together, and develop the detailed cost estimates you need to convince a customer that you can best satisfy their needs. This seminar is designed for everyone involved in development and response to an RFP. In addition to contract management professionals, this program benefits anyone involved in the acquisition process: managers, directors, financial analysts, engineers, and business development employees, among others.
20 It’s common for a prime contractor to subcontract the majority of its cost of goods sold, which can mean that up to 80 percent of the goods or services are subcontracted. The importance of subcontract management cannot be overstated. This seminar presents subcontract management in the U.S. federal government environment. Subcontract management under a government prime contract is a hybrid between the company’s commercial subcontracting requirements and the federal government subcontracting requirements. This seminar is unique in its focus on the topics that make subcontract management different under a prime government contract. The seminar covers 32 essential subcontract management topics under the following major headings—organizing, sourcing, awarding, and managing. Our new NES: Subcontract Management From A to Z
Contact Information 21 Earn 7 continuing education hours by attending just one full- day seminar! To schedule any NES, contact A variety of current and relevant topics to choose from: 100 Worst Mistakes in Government Contracting Contract Negotiations Contract Types Cost Estimating and Contract Pricing NEW! Developing Winning Proposals – Proposal Preparation Techniques and TipsNEW! Developing Winning Proposals – Proposal Preparation Techniques and Tips Performance-Based Acquisition Risk Management for Complex U.S. Government Contracts and Projects Solicitations, Bids, Proposals, and Source Selection The COR Member of the Acquisition Team: The Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) Guide to Performance and QualityThe COR Member of the Acquisition Team: The Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) Guide to Performance and Quality
23 Participants earn 1.5 CPEs. Upcoming LIVE Webinars… May, 2014 May 22: FAR Updates 2014 Program Details and Registration June, 2014 June 12: Affordable Care Act: The Clock is Ticking for Government Contractors Program Details and Registration June 26: Timekeeping and Labor Cost Accounting: Best Practices in the Absence of Regulatory Requirements Program Details and Registration
Remember… Every chapter is entitled to one live or two recorded webinars each program year. Contact to order June 30 th deadline for this year 24
What education topics do you want to see? Future NES topics? Future webinars? Future virtual conferences? Send in your suggestions to 26
Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center | Washington, DC July 26–27, 2014 (Saturday afternoon and Sunday) NCMA's new and improved chapter leader training series continues this summer! With this new format, chapter leader training now occurs three times annually, providing increased development opportunities to NCMA's chapter leaders. This event is designed to introduce NCMA's chapter volunteers (experienced, new, and potential) to running their chapters as a part of a large, national organization. All chapter leaders are encouraged to attend this training event, conveniently paired with World Congress. Participants will earn 8.5 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours by attending this two-day event. Click here for the agenda and registration! 28
Join in the Community Service Project Saturday afternoon NCMA is partnering with Clean the World to assemble hygiene kits for those in need in the DC metro area. Bring your hotel sized toiletries 29
30 NCMA Certification Exams Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center Check-in: 12:30pm–12:45pm Exams: 1:00pm–5:00pm NCMA MEMBER INVESTMENT Examination Fee: $50* NCMA NONMEMBER INVESTMENT Examination Fee: $90* Now is a Great Time to Prepare to Earn Your NCMA Certification … CPCM, CFCM, and CCCM Exams Will Be Offered at World Congress! The Application Process To register, complete and submit this form by Wednesday, July 9, 2014.this form You must have an approved application on file and all fees paid in advance; no walk-ins are allowed. Due to the nature of eligibility approval, on-site applications will not be accepted. The cut-off date for submitting your application is July 9, 2014.
Make your reservation for the Monday night Awards Gala! Keen Honorary Life Award presentation to Karen Reuter, CPCM, Fellow Dana Distinguished Service Award presentations to Lenn Vincent, Fellow and Marge Rumbaugh, CPCM, Fellow Entertainment by The Capitol Steps 32
33 Upcoming Events Save the dates! NCMA’s Fall Chapter Leader Summit 2014 November 2, 2014 | Washington Marriott Wardman Park | Washington, DC 33rd Annual Government Contract Management Symposium 2014 November 3–4, 2014 | Washington Marriott Wardman Park | Washington, DC “Building the Contract Management Structure for Continued Business Growth” NCMA’s Subcontract Management Training Forum 2015 March 12–13, 2015 | Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner| Tysons Corner, VA NCMA’s Spring Chapter Leader Summit 2015 March 13, 2015 | Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner| Tysons Corner, VA
Call for Proposals for GCMS ItemNumber=17690&navItemNumber=9917http:// ItemNumber=17690&navItemNumber=9917 Proposals due by June 16 34
39 Send to
YOUR chapter ought to be in pictures! 40
How to submit events and photos? Send to Photo: include a suggested caption, and identify the people in the picture Events: Title, date, location and a web link 41
Want to brag about your chapter? Do YOU want to be a Meet the Member? Did your you or your chapter do something extraordinary such as fundraising, community service? Write up an article for CM! Send you article and pictures to 42
How is your chapter’s nomination and election process progressing? 45
NCMA Membership Reports 53 –All Reports: New Member, Members Due, Members in Grace, Members Lapsed –Rosters! Are now held on this site: Full Roster of the Membership – Select your Chapter –New Passwords distributed SEPT 16th This went out to Presidents!! Contact your Chapter President for this information!
Membership Reports You need to LOG IN! LOG IN changed (September 16 th 2013) DO NOT give out this information to non officers or to NON-MEMBERS!!! 56
Certification information 57 For a listing of members in your chapter which hold a certification please
Top 40 Professionals Under 40 in Contract Management Award Presented at GCMS in November, nominations are due to by June 58
Does your chapter… Need a copy of Quicken © software? –Chapter is entitled to one FREE copy Need a Certificate of Insurance for a chapter event Want to order magnetic name badges for chapter officers? Contact 60
Chapter Annual Reporting—Aug 31 st due date Chapter Annual Report for July – June Chapter Financial Report for July – June Chapter Audit Report for July – June Copy of Chapter Bylaws List of chapter leaders and volunteers for July – June
Chapter Grants for PY Letter to chapter presidents issued yesterday Grant application due by Sept If awarded a grant, funds to be used by Oct
Special Chapter Leader Webinar on Annual Financial Reporting Presented by NCMA CFO, Sam Smith Wednesday June 25 at 2 PM Eastern Meeting Number: Meeting Password: ncma To start or join the online meeting Go to Audio conference information To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code. Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): Call-in toll number (US/Canada): Global call-in numbers: Toll-free dialing restrictions:
64 Are you using social media in your chapter? Get Connected Now!
77 Send in your photos to
CMLDP application period now open Calling all applicants! NCMA will be accepting applications for the Contract Management Leadership Development Program (CMLDP). This program is designed to help develop the next generation of contract management leaders through an intensive yearlong educational experience. Submit your applications starting May 1- June 30, More Information 79
Next Chapter Leader Webinar Next webinar is June 18, Eastern Let us know what topics YOU want! 80
81 What’s On Your Mind?
Mary Beth on vacation May 21 – June 2 Send your questions to Rita Rose at 82