W ASHINGTON D.C T RIP J UNE 3-7, 2014 P RICE : $699 Brightspark Travel Booking ID #
S IGHTS / VISITS : White House (reservations) U.S. Capital (reservation) Arlington National Cemetery “Wreath Laying Ceremony” Kennedy Gravesite Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Mt. Vernon (Home of George Washington) Holocaust Memorial Museum National Archives (Declaration of Independence and Constitution) Smithsonian Institute Ford’s Theatre Newseum Washington Monument, Lincoln Monument, and Iwo Jima Vietnam Wall, World War II Memorial, and MLK Monument
A CCOMMODATIONS /T RAVEL /M EALS Charter Buses (Peoria Charter) Leave approximately 4:00 pm on June 3 th Arrive in D.C. approximately 8:00 am on June 4 th Hyatt Place/Sheraton Private security for night supervision “taped in” Breakfast buffet at hotel Bucca di Beppo, Phillips Seafood Buffet, and Hard Rock Café Meet dietary needs for specific students
A CCOMMODATIONS /T RAVEL /M EALS o 24 Hour Tour Director from Brightspark o For the entire stay o Tour Guides o Include complete lectured sightseeing o Licensed and certified guides o Stay with the traveling party the entire day o Each Student will receive a travel bag and safety lanyard o Trip photo for each students
P AYMENTS Payment Schedule Deposit $100 due May 24, 2013 $175 due October 18, 2013 $175 due December 13, 2013 (Magazine sales fundraiser) Final payment is due March 28, 2014 **EVERYTHING FROM THIS POINT IS PAID FOR** Developing student responsibility Saving money Making money Prioritizing opportunities