The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian By Sherman Alexie
Introduction This book is about Arthur Spirit aka Junior, a teenage Spokane Indian boy who lives on a reservation called Wellpinit in Washington. Perpetual poverty, alcoholism, poverty, high death rates Transfers off reservation to white and racist Rearden high school Believes that he will have a better future if he leaves the reservation. Experiences a lot of discrimination at Rearden High School. Overcomes the stereotypes and assimilates into a new culture
Transferring to Rearden Response from Junior’s tribe members Betrayal Begins the perception that Junior ‘turns white’
Stereotypes and Discrimination at Rearden Call Junior names because he is different School mascot is an Indian Incident between Junior and a group of bullies- follows norms of his culture “I felt like someone had put me in a space ship and blasted me to another planet.”
Final Basketball Game Last game is symbolic of Junior’s struggle Between Rearden and Wellpinit Important realization