3D password Umesh ECE
Introduction 3D password is a multifactor authentication scheme. Users nowadays are provided with major password stereotypes such as textual passwords, biometric scanning, tokens or cards (such as an ATM) etc .Mostly textual passwords follow an encryption algorithm . To be authenticated, werequirea3Dvirtualenvironment. Combines recognition-,recall-,token-,and biometrics-based systems.
Biometric scanning is your "natural" signature and Cards or Tokens prove your validity. But some people hate the fact to carry around their cards, some refuse to undergo strong IR exposure to their retinas(Biometric scanning).Mostly textual passwords, nowadays, are kept very simple say a word from the dictionary or their pet names, girlfriends etc. Years back Klein performed such tests and he could crack 10-15 passwords per day. Now with the technology change, fast processors and many tools on the Internet this has become a Child's Play.
The 3D password presents a 3D virtual environment containing various virtual objects. The user navigates through this environment and interacts with the objects. Once implemented and you log in to a secure site, the 3D password GUI opens up. This is an additional textual password which the user can simply put. Once he goes through the first authentication, a 3D virtual room will open on the screen. In our case, let's say a virtual garage.
Example The user can enter the virtual environment and type something on a computer that exists in (x1 , y1 , z1 ) position, then enter a room that has a fingerprint recognition device that exists in a position (x2 , y2 , z2 ) and provide his/her fingerprint. Then, the user can go to the virtual garage, open the car door, and turn on the radio to a specific channel. The combination and the sequence of the previous actions toward the specific objects construct the user's 3D password.
3D password authentication The 3D password authentication generally there are four types of authentication techniques are available such as: Knowledge based: means what you know. Textual password is the best example of this authentication scheme. Token based: means what you have. This includes Credit cards, ATM cards, etc as an example. Biometrics: means what you are. Includes Thumb impression, etc. Recognition Based: means what you recognize. Includes graphical password, iris recognition, face recognition, etc.
State diagram for 3D password
Comparison: Text and 3D password The comparison is between the length of textual password and the action and interactions with 3-D objects in virtual environment. In the following table, the textual password length has been taken as one character and a single action which is present in enviornment1 and enviornment2. The following table shows the comparison between the length of text and 3-D password for virtual environment1 and enviornment2
Environment 1 In the suggested scheme we are calculating the password space taking into consideration that the user wants to move a single chess piece at a time when the environment is in view. Assume that we are starting with a chess board that is set up for the start of a game. . Each player has 16 pieces. Consider the scenario where white starts first, white has a total number of 20 moves that he/she can possible make. 1. The white player may move any pawn forward by one or two positions. 2. The white player can move either knight in two different ways. The white player chooses one of those 20 moves and makes it. The equation for calculating the password space is [1]: n=Lmax П (Lmax, G) = Σ (m + g (AC)) n n=l Here, m → All possible actions and interaction towards all existing objects.
Environment 2 In environment-2 the suggested scheme creates the password by moving, rotating and performing zoom operations on the cube. In order to create the codeword there are four different actions i.e., moving cube, rotating cube, moving camera, rotating camera along the x, y, z axis. And for each action user can perform the six different interactions. The terms to calculate password space for environment -2 G – (G ×G×G) → number of actions, interactions and International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research (IJATER) ISSN No: 2250-3536 Volume 2 inputs. Number of actions = 4 (moving cube, rotating cube, moving camera, rotating camera) Number of interactions = 6 Number of inputs = 6 (Placing an image on each side of cube) So, G = G×G×G = 4×6×6 = 144 m → All possible actions and interactions towards all existing objects in environment.
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