Angela Standridge Region 4 ESC
The Tablet Revolution Will change the way we play, work and learn Apple has a head start but… Not a computer, like a computer- but may be eventually Just-in-time information access/exchange Social networking for pleasure, business and learning Personalization (IT/AT/UDL, learner centered, inclusion, accessibility) 20122Region 4 ESC
The Hardware 20123Region 4 ESC
The Hardware Other Hardware: Styli- many different kinds Cases – hard, soft, with/without straps, etc. Airlink- wireless printing, speakers, etc. Wireless keyboards VGA adaptors- project PP, PDF, movies only HDMI ( iPad 2 and iPad 1 upgraded, iPhone 4 only, iPod touch 4 th gen) adaptors- project PP, PDF, movies AND apps; iOS5? Switchboxes Carts- need dedicated laptop to manage Imaging on a smartboard (HDMI- display only, no activation via smartboard) Chargers and computer connection cables 20124Region 4 ESC
Accessing the iPad Setting up iPad the 1 st time (register, name) Home key Flick Drag Giggle (Home to un- giggle) Delete (restore with sync) Toggle Dock Managing folders (can also do from iTunes) Bumping Find my iPad Searching Closing apps in the background Mobile Me/Cloud Settings – User Guide 20125Region 4 ESC
Settings Airplane mode Wi-fi Location Services Brightness and Wallpaper Picture Frame General About, Update, Usage Sounds Network/Bluetooth/iTunes Wi-Fi Sync Spotlight search Auto-lock, Passcode, iPad Cover Restrictions Side switch- lock rotation or mute Multitasking gestures Date/Time, Keyboard, International, Accessibility (User Guide Ch. 16), Battery % Reset iCloud Mail, contacts, calendars Twitter Face Time Safari Messages (only other i users) Music (used to be iPod) Video Photos Face Time (iPad 2 only) Notes Store Apps- only apps with options to set 2012Region 4 ESC6
Accessibility Features Built-in Voice Over Zoom Large Text White on black Speak selection Speak Auto Text Mono vs. stereo Assistive Touch: Turn off/on, Gestures, Home, Device, Favorites and custom gestures Triple Click home Switch Access (Bluetooth) RJ Cooper interface/index.htmlhttp:// interface/index.html Ablenet Access/Blue2%E2%84%A2-Bluetooth%C2%AE-Switchhttp:// Access/Blue2%E2%84%A2-Bluetooth%C2%AE-Switch Mounting – see resource list 2012Region 4 ESC7
Apps for Productivity Productivity MS Office emulators Quick office Documents to Go Cloud On PDFs: Adobe Reader and iBooks Dropbox Safari Calendar Camera/video 2012Region 4 ESC8
Apps for Students Explore Apps Starter Kit and Hall of Fame Writing- many free and for purchase word processors Note Taker iThougths Speak It Index Card AudioNote Picture book Writers Studio Pictello Handwriting- many free and for purchase but not like “writing on paper” Reading iBooks, Nook, Kindle, Read2Go, Learning Ally Audio Many programs for free books Many interactive books for purchase Math – not so much; mostly drill on an ipad Science and Social Studies Itunes U 2012Region 4 ESC9
Finding Apps Searching the App Store – use computer or iPad Power Search-category, release date, customer rating, price, device Information on app page- summary, customer ratings and reviews, application ratings (4+, 9+, 12+, 17+), screen shots, developer notes, customers also bought, “lite” versions iTunes U (Project Share connection) Books, podcasts, music, movies, pdf, other files Transfer files to/from computer/iPad via iTunes and Cloud App settings via Settings Region 4 ESC
AAC Apps Spectronics AAC App table: apps-for-aac apps-for-aac ProloQou2Go TouchChat SonoFlex Tap speak Verbally 2012Region 4 ESC11
Articulation, Data Tracking Apps Articulation ArtikPix Articulation Station PCS Articulation Flash Cards Sunny Articulation Articulate it! Data Tracking Behavior “AU” apps Region 4 ESC12
Additional information to explore on your own. 2012Region 4 ESC13
iTunes Accounts Apple ID: Credit card accounts- (open iTunes on computer, create account) Free accounts- Multiple accounts ? 1 iPad can sync to 5 computers; 1 iTunes account can be authorized to 5 computers- READ THE iTUNES USER AGREEMENT Syncing Individuals and businesses can load a purchased app on as many iDevices as desired Education must purchase an app for each iDevice- volume discounts available Internally developed apps can be loaded with no limits Updates on system and apps done via sync Can sync (or use mobile me for real time sync) contacts and calendar- beware of dupes Use iTunes on your syncing computer to manage your syncing process Region 4 ESC
Issues for Districts Develop procedures/protocols PRIOR to purchase Deployment- guides available at iPhone configuration utility (ICU)- restrictions set at IT level Microsoft ActiveSync Exchange Management- devices; accounts (district, personal, 5 authorizations per iTunes account); App installation, syncing and updates (5 computer rule/de-authorizing computers), connectivity Security Proprietary and confidential information Internet protocol Student safety Find My iPad Engraving Jail break Remote wipe Region 4 ESC
Cases and stuff: ipad/devices/8213?|8103|keyboard_case|hp ipad/devices/8213?|8103|keyboard_case|hp case?gclid=CODS7fPEqasCFYPu7QodAG0u3Q case?gclid=CODS7fPEqasCFYPu7QodAG0u3Q Region 4 ESC16
Articles, support, training etc accessories-for-ipads-gathering-strength-as-they-grow/ accessories-for-ipads-gathering-strength-as-they-grow/ Region 4 ESC17
Special needs apps reviews education-update education-update apps-college-students apps-college-students Region 4 ESC18
AAC Apps and reviews fact fact apps-for-aac apps-for-aac Region 4 ESC19
Content Area Apps and Reviews NtvwO&key=0AvFbfb1mWoNwdGlweWtkZkFRS1gzUDM tTUtoTEw0MkE&hl=en&authkey=COnNtvwO NtvwO&key=0AvFbfb1mWoNwdGlweWtkZkFRS1gzUDM tTUtoTEw0MkE&hl=en&authkey=COnNtvwO 2012Region 4 ESC20
Information on Android based Tablets needs-apps-in-the-google-android-market/ needs-apps-in-the-google-android-market/ for-android/ key=CNyowNcG&hl=en&key=tthS733OIeAOXzEdV4IGIsQ &hl=en&authkey=CNyowNcG#gid=0 for-android/ key=CNyowNcG&hl=en&key=tthS733OIeAOXzEdV4IGIsQ &hl=en&authkey=CNyowNcG#gid=0 2012Region 4 ESC21