Brantford Collegiate Institute & V.S. Selecting Courses for Grade 11
How to access? 1. Get your login information from your first period teacher 2. or Click on the Career Cruising icon 3. ***You must have ERIE- in front of your login in name How to access? 1. Get your login information from your first period teacher 2. or Click on the Career Cruising icon 3. ***You must have ERIE- in front of your login in name
Choosing Courses for Grade 11 Students should select eight courses for their grade 11 program Only student with 16 credits at the start of grade 11 are eligible for a spare
Courses in grade 11 Course in Grade 11 are now offered at the University (U) College/University (M) College (C) Workplace (E) Open (O)
Check Prerequisites! Where? *In your Career Cruising profile *a hard copy of the course calendar in the Guidance Office (limited quantities) Check Prerequisites! Where? *In your Career Cruising profile *a hard copy of the course calendar in the Guidance Office (limited quantities)
Alternate Courses You must select two alternate courses in case one of your other choices is cancelled or can’t be placed on your timetable (conflict) Choose wisely. This may be the class that will be assigned to you automatically and you won’t know it until you get your timetable in August.
Graduation Requirements 30 credits 18 compulsory 12 electives
Graduation Requirements 40 hours community involvement
Graduation Requirements Successful completion of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) or the Ontario Literacy Class (OLC) is necessary for graduation with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. (OSSD)
Choose Carefully! Keep in mind the prerequisite courses required for senior courses and post-secondary goals. It is never too early to start planning
University Information
College Information
Apprenticeship information
Research Careers
Application Forms Required!! CO-OP Application forms will be available in your course selection computer lab, in Guidance and in Co-op
SHSM Stage and Screen Justice, Community Safety and Emergency Services Health and Wellness Manufacturing Application Forms Required!!
Magnet Programs Tollgate – many (hair, cooking, horticulture etc.) North Park –Health -Architecture Pauline Johnson –Media - E3 - E3
REMEMBER! You can start your course selection planning today. See your first period teacher for login information Come to the help sessions in room 402 from 11:40- 12:15 February 12-18
REMEMBER! Students will be called to computer labs starting Feb to submit course selections Please look for the date of your grade day Listen for announcements that day and go to the appropriate room # for your last name alphabet. (i.e. last names beginning with A, C and L go to room 453 )
Be Proactive Plan Well Make Good Choices!