WSN - Mining Sector Update December 2014 11
Ontario Mining, Steel and Other Smelting Sector Injury Performance Rate Group # Active Accounts # FTE Workers 2013 # Lost- time Injuries Lost-time Injury Rate % imp 2013 to 2012 Total Injuries Total Injury Rate % imp 2013 to 2012 RG 110 Gold Mines1129, % % RG 113 Nickel Mines657, % % RG 119 Other Mines3455, % % Mining Rate Groups52222, %1, % RG 352 Steel and Other Smelting and Refining Industries 8221, %1, % TOTAL60443, %2, % Source: WSIB, EIW, Firm Experience and Claim Cost Schema, 2012 as of June 30, 2013 and 2013 as of June 30, 2014.
Mar. 21, 2013 – Worker was fatally injured in a motor vehicle when it was in a collision with another vehicle. Apr. 30, 2013 – Worker was buried in a muck pile. Nov. 10, 2013 – Worker fatally injured in a plane crash. Apr. 6, 2014 – While working on a crushing system in a smelter a worker was struck by a piece of machinery. May 6, 2014 (Double fatality) – Two contractors were struck by a fall of ground preceded by seismic activity. June 25, 2014 – Worker was fatally injured when a tree struck the bulldozer he was in. July 10, 2014 – Worker was outside of a loader he was operating when he was struck by a piece of broken ore. Ontario Mining, Steel and Other Smelting Sector Traumatic Fatal Injuries 2013 – August 31, 2014
Ontario Mining, Steel and Other Smelting Sector – by Incident Type Allowed Lost-time Claims: Source: WSIB, EIW, Claim Cost Schema, as of June 30, NOTE: Percentage may not add due to rounding N=32 (2%) N=101 (5%) N=140 (7%) N=867 (46%) N=268 (14%) N=491 (26%)
Ontario Mining Industry
Ontario Mining, Steel and Other Smelting Sector Allowed Non-fatal Occupational Diseases Non-fatal Occupational Disease Claims Diagnosis Year: Diagnosis (ICD-9 Classification) TOTAL% Malignant Neoplasm-Respiratory & Intrathoracic Organs % Malignant Neoplasm-Other % Diseases of the Nervous System & Sense Organs % Diseases of the Circulatory System % Diseases of the Respiratory System % Diseases of the Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue % Other Diseases % Symptoms, Signs, & Ill-defined Conditions % Injury and Poisoning % Exposure % TOTAL % Allowed Fatal Occupational Disease Claims Fatal Occupational Disease Claims Fatal Registration Year: Diagnosis (ICD-9 Classification) TOTAL% Malignant Neoplasm-Digestive Organs & Peritoneum % Malignant Neoplasm-Respiratory & Intrathoracic Organs % Other Malignant Neoplasm % Diseases of Respiratory System % Other Diseases % TOTAL % Source: WSIB, EIW, Claim Cost Schema, as of June 30, 2014.
Papers presented at the November Symposiums can be found on WSN’s website: Health of a Miner: miner-symposium-papers Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction vehicle-interaction-symposium-papers November Symposiums
All e-newsletters are archived on WSN’s website. Issues are online under Publications: September Ghost in the machine: Protect yourself from injury October 2014 – Health and Safety Excellence in Ontario Workplaces November 2014 – What to expect for machine guarding inspection blitz To subscribe to the newsletter, Newsletters
April 14-16, 2015 Holiday Inn, Sudbury, Ontario Call for Papers for WSN’s technical sessions on Thursday, April 16, 2015 is now out. Call for Papers Submissions will be reviewed in late November, and presenters will be contacted in December. Mining Health and Safety Conference 2015
The Mining Health, Safety and Prevention Review has released its interim report. The report discusses: – Key issues identified to date – Early deliverables – Next steps The report can be viewed Mining Health, Safety and Prevention Review (MHSPR)
Research proposals recently supported by WSN
Mine Rescue Program Projects: Mine Rescue Handbook Translation (Spanish and Portuguese) Released the revised Mine Rescue Handbook, September 2014 Launching the Mine Rescue Risk Assessment tool Integrated Management of Heat Stress into Introductory and Management program Investigating if there is appropriate Emergency Responder clothing & and plan to develop guideline Plan to develop a Body Recovery guideline Plan To Launch Edraulic Rescue tools training Research: Team Dynamics (York University) 13 Mining Sector Update
Ground Control TAC Projects: Suggested Methodology for Evaluation of Heading Face Stability (Completed, available for download at ground-control ground-control Guidelines for Working Safely around Stockpiles Mining Sector Update 14
Mining Equipment TAC Projects: Technical Report: Track Haulage Safety Technical Report: Fire Prevention Design Guidelines for U/G Trackless Mobile Equipment WSIB-sponsored research: Multi-piece rim and wheel assembly - evaluating opportunities for safer use (completed; next steps being considered) 15 Mining Sector Update
Safety & Loss Control TAC Project: The Role of a Second Line Supervisor Mining Sector Update 16
Project: Workplace Environment Checklist Workplace Environment TAC 17 Mining Sector Update