MED programme Four priority Axes and specific objectives following the priorities of Lisbon and Göteborg Transnational partnership projects Regular calls for proposals starting from 2008
Programme structures Managing Authority: Conseil Régional PACA Joint Technical Secretary in Marseille –Two liaison offices: Valencia (Spain) and Thessaloniki (Greece) Certifying Authority: Caisse de dépôts et consignations (CDC) Audit Authority: Commission interministérielle des contrôles communautaires (CICC) Monitoring Committee and Selection Committee National authorities in each of the programme States
General Information Total budget of the MED programme: 256M (ERDF 193M) Project budgets between and 2M of the ERDF (+ national contribution) ERDF co-financing rate 75% ; for partners from Malta, Cyprus and Slovenia: 85% Separate financial flows for the Croatian and Montenegro partners: from the Instrument of Pre-accession (IPA)
Calls for Proposals Classic calls for proposals : cover all priority Axes of the operational programme, all eligible structures can apply Targeted calls: thematic or restricted Strategic projects: separate calls For classic calls: a two-step selection procedure with a pre-proposal
Project evaluation and selection Classic calls: -Call for pre-proposals: simple application form -Partnership must already exist -Evaluation of pre-proposals by the JTS -Selection Committee chooses the projects to submit a full candidature Full candidatures precise the details of the project -JTS evaluates full proposals, eventually with external experts -Selection Committee approves the projects and can request modifications Project partners sign a Partnership Agreement -Lead Partner signs the Subsidy Contract with the Managing Authority
Launching timetable MED Operational Programme submitted to the EU Commission for final validation November - December 2007: JTS Recruited Documents of the Application Pack Programme website online January – February 2008: First classic call for proposals
Contacts Joint technical Secretariat: Managing Authority: Programme website: www.