World Maps By Erin McLaughlin
Nationalism This map shows the different flags for most of the countries in the world. This map depicts the basic concept of nationalism. This style map would be helpful in teaching geography with visual and art- minded students.
Universalism of Peace This picture supports the concept that peace is within our own hands. The image also depicts the need of universal appreciation of individuals, their traditions and cultures.
Globalism This picture provides a view of the world traveling down a dirty river with numerous global issues. The items in the river are issues that affect everyone in the world. The message of the picture seems to show that the earth will float away in the current of waste, if the global citizenship does not take action.
Transcending with Music This student seems to believe that music can have a unifying affect on the world population. Music is also known to help soothe aggression and promote a celebration like environment.
We are family This picture depicts a call for peace and full appreciation of all people, regardless of their physical appearances. The happy sun underscores the “goodness” associated with the appreciation of others and their valuable cultural traditions.
Orphans This picture was created by a student from Russia. There is a uniquely high rate of homeless children in Russia which makes this picture of a sad child particularly touching. Perhaps the child in the picture represents the loneliness of orphan children
Endangered This map shows pictures of endangered animals due to environmental pollution. This map helps the viewer understand the impact of environmental pollution on all of us. Some of the animals do not have territories to “belong” to which further underscores the importance of global action for environmental conservation.
Happy Birthday to YOU! The student view of world peace surrounds the celebration of the world’s birthday. The student depicts the happiness associated with birthday parties.
International Friendships The student may be depicting the need for people to bridge differences in order to support international understanding and peace. From a child’s perspective, international understanding can be as simple as taking the first step across the bridge.
Rolling Stone The child may see life as being difficult as well as the work we must each do as global citizens. This particular piece could be used by a teacher to elicit questions from students about the difficulties related to globalization.