Interpreting Microarray Expression Data Using Text Annotating the Genes Michael Molla, Peter Andreae, Jeremy Glasner, Frederick Blattner, Jude Shavlik University of Wisconsin – Madison
The Basic Task Given Microarray Expression Data & Text Annotations of Genes Generate Model of Expression
Motivation Lots of Data Available on the Internet –Microarray Expression Data –Text Annotations of Genes Maybe we can Make the Scientist’s Job Easier –Generate a Model of Expression Automatically –Easier First Step for the Human
Microarray Expression Data Each spot represents a gene in E. coli Colors Indicate Up- or Down-Regulation Under Antibiotic Shock Four our Purpose 3 Classes –Up-Regulated –Down-Regulated –No-Change
Microarray Expression Data From “Genome-Wide Expression in Escheria Coli K-12”, Blattner et al., 1999
Our Microarray Experiment 4290 genes 574 up-regulated 333 down-regulated 2747 un-regulated 636 non enough signal
Text Annotations of Genes The text from a sample SwissProt entry (b1382) –The “description” field HYPOTHETICAL 6.8 KDA PROTEIN IN LDHA-FEAR INTERGENIC REGION –The “keyword” field HYPOTHETICAL PROTEIN
Sample Rules From a Model for Up-Regulation IF –The annotation contains FLAGELLAR AND does NOT contain HYPOTHETICAL OR –The annotation contains BIOSYNTHESIS THEN –The gene is up-regulated
Why use Machine Learning? Concerned with machines learning from available data Informed by text data, the leaner can make first-pass model for the scientist
Desired Properties of a Model Accurate –Measure with cross validation Comprehensible –Measure with model size Stable to Small Changes in the Data –Measure with random subsampling
Approaches Naïve Bayes –Statistical method –Uses all of the words (present or absent) PFOIL –Covering algorithm –Chooses words to use one at a time
Naïve Bayes For each word w i, there are two likelihood ratios (lr): lr (w i present) = p(w i present | up) / p(w i present | down) lr (w i absent) = p(w i absent | up) / p(w i absent | down) For each annotation, the lrs are combined to form a lr for a gene: where X is either present or absent.
P FOIL Learn rules from data Produces multiple if-then rules from data Builds rules by adding one word at a time Easy to interpret models
Accuracy/Comprehensibility Tradeoff
Stabilized P FOIL Repeatedly run PFOIL on randomly sampled subsets For each word, count the number of models it appears in Restrict PFOIL to only those words that appear in a minimum of m models Rerun PFOIL with only those words
Stability Measure After running the algorithm N times to generate N rule sets: Where: U = the set of words appearing in any rule set count(w i ) = number of rule sets containing word w i
Accuracy/Stability Tradeoff
Discussion Not very severe tradeoffs in Accuracy –vs. stability –vs. comprehensibility P FOIL not as good at characterizing data –suggests not many dependencies –need for “softer” rules
Future Directions M of N rules Permutation Test More Sources of Text Data
Take-Home Message This is just a first step toward an aid for understanding expression data Make expression models based on text in stead of DNA sequence.
Acknowledgements This research was funded by the following grants: NLM 1 R01 LM , NSF IRI , NIH 2 P30 CA , and NIH 5 T32 GM08349.