Announcements Tutorial next Thursday, Oct 9 –Submit questions to me Mid-term schedule Go vote!
Today –Action Potential Conduction Next Lecture –Synaptic Transmission
Action Potential Conduction Axon hillock Region of neuron where AP usually starts
Action Potential Conduction Why are Action Potentials needed? 1.First look at current flow without APs. 2.Second look at current with APs
Passive Current Flow Record voltage Inject current axon
voltage distance 0.63V 0 0 Length constant V= Vo – 0.63Vo Inject current Record voltage
Passive Current 1.Current decays very rapidly along the length of an axon 2.The length constant is the distance over which the potential drops to 63% of the highest value 3.Typical length constants range only from 1-5 mm
Length Constant Depends on: 1.Resistance across the membrane (‘leakiness’) 2.Longitudinal resistance to current flow (varies with axon diameter)
Passive Current Flow Inject current axon Membrane Resistance Longitudinal Resistance
Action Potential Conduction Record voltage Stimulate Action Potential axon
Action Potential Conduction 1.APs constant amplitude at all points along the axon
Na+ Inject current
Na+ Inject current
Sequence of Events leading to AP propagation 1.Stimulus opens Na+ channels & cause AP 2.Depolarizing current flows down the axon 3.Local depolarization opens Na+ channels downstream & initiate a new AP 4.Na+ channels close (inactivate) & K+ channels open 5.Local depolarization opens Na+ channels downstream and initiate a new AP
Na+ Inject current
Conduction Velocity Record voltage Inject current axon Measure distance between recording sites Measure time between APs
1.Axon diameter 2.Myelination Small unmyelinated 0.5 m/s Large myelinated 120 m/s
Myelinated nerve Myelin Formed by: Schwann cells (periphery) Oligodendrocytes (central) Node of Ranvier
Na+ Saltatory conduction
Myelin Myelin increases speed of conduction by: 1.Increasing membrane resistance Reduces ‘leakiness’ length constant 2.Voltage-gated channels only at Node of Ranvier APs generated only at the Node
Mulitple Sclerosis Demyelination of axons –Impaired AP conduction –Symptom depends on nerves affected Optic nerve blindness Motor nerves weakness or paralysis
Summary & Key Concepts 1.Currents flow passively down axon decay described by length constant 2.Action potentials propagation due to sequential opening of Na+ channels in response to local depolarization 3.Conduction velocity determined by axon diameter and myelination - length constant 4.Myelin trans-membrane resistance and Na+ channels only at Nodes Saltatory conduction
Sample Question AP conduction velocity will increase following an increase in the electrical resistance of the: A.Axon membrane B.Node of Ranvier C.Schwann cell