Slovak Cadastre on Internet and Land consolidation Dipl.Ing.Ľubica Hudecová Phd. Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic Dipl.Ing.Marián Bulla Member of Directory Board of Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers
The structure of Automated Information System of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre in Slovakia
The information system of Cadastre The information system of Cadastre is administered at district level (by District cadastral Registries) and on central level. The central database of the Information system of Cadastre is interlinked with district databases by transmission network. The interlinking aims at the updating of the central database of the Information system of Cadastre in one-week, gradually in one-day interval, the securing (backup) of district databases, the securing of unity, the data quality improvement using checking runs, providing, accessing and publishing information on the Internet.
The infrastructure of spatial information in the Slovakia The gradual creation of the infrastructure of spatial information in Slovakia anticipates interlinking Geodetic Control, Information System of Cadastre and Primary Database for GIS. Realization principles of the unification in the Automated Information System of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre: Data storage (objects) - Relational Database system ORACLE - Primary Database for GIS, Information System of Cadastre. Identifiable object – “the plot” in Geodetic Control and in Information System of Cadastre. Data compatibility - Primary Database for GIS, Geodetic Control.
Structure of Cadastral operates
Beginning of February 2004 The public access to cadastral information via Internet should be considered the most important development in the area of the Slovak Cadastre for the year 2003. The effort of all the institutions involved, including Phare support, resulted in the tangible outcome – the Cadastral Portal distinctively oriented towards clients, which is the paid service online accessible since the beginning of February 2004.
Cornerstone of the e-government in Slovak Republic The Real Estate Cadastre together with the business and population register will be on-line interconnected in the near future and thus create the cornerstone of the e-government in Slovak Republic
Cadastral portal The Cadastral Portal enables authorised access to the cadastre of real estates data and allows acquiring basic as well as detailed information immediately and without complicated correspondence or the need to visit the District Cadastral Registry in person. The Cadastral Portal provides improved, efficient and permanent tools for carrying out the state administration tasks.
Specimen of a communication with Cadastral Portal.
Research information. The information can be also sought after via map zoom function and the excerpts from cadastral map can be obtained by the end users. However, not the whole territory of the Slovak Republic is currently covered by the digital vector map suitable for releasing on the cadastral portal.
Portal´s technology The portal’s technology is based on the Oracle products. The cadastral portal updating interval depends on the updating interval of the central database of the real estate cadastre information system which currently comprises one month, will comprise one-week by the end of June 2004 with the aim of one-day updating interval in the future.
Land consolidation From 1991 the land consolidation has passed away complicated development. Since 2003 with subsidy of EU has started execute of the land consolidation projects in more cadastral districts. The aim of land consolidation is to improve all territory parameters – the high degree of fragmentation of land, accessibility of plots, the land ownership rights arrangement, environmental protection, etc. to improve live condition of rural population.
Specimen of a Cadastre map with original plots, 1:2 880 Territory before Land consolidation The high degree of fragmentation of land
Realization purposed Land consolidation projects in Slovakia are executed in whole cadastral districts. Some plots can be missed out from the zone (for instance an area of municipality). The last mend of the Act. No. 330 Coll. on land consolidation enables to realize purposed measures straight in the terrain in short time.
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