Improving Student Outcomes Through Transition Planning: From Institutional Care to Public Schools
Improve Transition by Establishing cooperation among agencies. Communicating frequently. Transferring necessary records. Facilitating school reentry. Providing academic continuity. Developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Ensuring access to services. February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 2
Develop coordinated agreements between Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and institutions. Exchanging records. Establishing eligibility. Writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Supervising school work. Books and assignments Assigning grades. Maintaining communication. February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 3
Establish contacts at the LEA and institution. Assign one person at the LEA to communicate with one person at the institution. Consistency Continuity Accountability February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 4
School records can generally be exchanged without parental consent between the LEA and State Board-governed schools and State agency schools. A consent for records release is generally required for exchange of records between the LEA and private institutions. February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 5
The “receiving” agency should send a written request for records to the “sending” agency. Be specific about the records requested. –Copy of cumulative record –Copy of discipline records –Copy of special education records Eligibility report(s) Current IEP –Discharge Summary –Results of Psychological Evaluation February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 6
Academic Continuity Determine which agency will Make assignments, Provide materials, and Grade assignments. Determine what kinds of information will be exchanged regarding educational services. Establish timelines. Hold joint meetings or use conference calls to establish expectations. February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 7
Special Education Determine if the student needs to be initially evaluated or reevaluated. Agree on the responsibilities of each agency. If the student is currently eligible, adopt, develop or revise the IEP. Seek input of the sending agency. Determine whether a surrogate parent is needed for students who are in State custody. February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 8
Begin transition planning as soon as possible. Plans must be flexible and subject to change. Determine which supports are needed for successful transition. Provide staff training, if necessary. Include guardians and personnel from both agencies in meetings and communication. February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 9
Many students and families will need multi- agency support. IEP Teams Teacher Support Teams School Psychologists Counselors Positive Behavior Specialists School Nurse Mental Health Services Making a Plan (MAP) teams Other community-based supports February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 10
LEAs must be cautious when making decisions for students returning to school from institutional care. LEAs should not make decisions based solely on the fact that students have been in institutional care. Self-contained placements Alternative school Home-based programs Documentation requirements that appear biased February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 11
Students with disabilities have procedural safeguards and due process rights. IEP Committees make placement decisions in most instances. For violations of school rules, weapons, drugs and dangerous behavior, discipline procedures under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should be followed. February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 12
Mandatory medications as a condition of enrolling in school, attending school, receiving an evaluation or receiving services are not allowed by IDEA. CFR § Not all students with mental health issues or diagnoses are dangerous. Decisions are based on facts, behaviors and needs, not on stereotypes, personal fears/biases or perceptions. February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 13
LEAs must be careful not to discriminate against students who have disabilities or who are perceived as having disabilities. Refusal of enrollment or reentry Placements that violate Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) provisions Unnecessary segregation Harsh treatment Guarantees by families or health care providers Unnecessary paperwork or records Violations of Family Education Rights and Privacy Act February 2013 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 14