Today we are going to learn about…… SPIDERS!
Words we may not know… Fangs pointed teeth Venom harmful liquid Prey an animal eaten by another animal Spinnerets where spiders make silk Webs silk threads woven together by spiders Spiderlings baby spiders
What are spiders? Some people think that spiders are insects but they are not. Spiders are arachnids. They have a hard body and eight legs. All spiders have the same body parts. The main part of their body is divided into two sections. In the front, there are eight legs and two pinchers. Special parts in the back, called spinnerets, make silk. Spiders use the silk to make webs.
A Spider’s Body
Male Tutelina similis Jumping Spider
Where do spiders live? Spiders live in many places. They live in deserts, caves, on top of mountains, and anywhere else you might search. Some spiders live in damp, wet areas. While other spiders live in dry areas. There are spiders all over our planet. A Wolf Spiders Lair…
How and what do spiders eat? Spiders usually eat insects. Sometimes they may eat small frogs or lizards. They trap the prey in their web. Then they poison it with a venomous bite. Spiders turn their food into a liquid. Then they drink the liquid.
What kind of spiders are there? There are many kinds of spiders. Spiders can be different in color and in size. They can also be different in the ways they move and how they hunt for their prey. There are almost 30 thousand kinds of spiders!
Can spiders harm people? Most spiders look scary, but most of them are not harmful to people. All spiders will bite if they are in danger however many of the smaller spiders like daddy long legs and some male redbacks and of course spiderlings, are too small for their fangs to pierce human skin. Take care with all spiders and avoid handling them as they may think they are in danger.
Spiders Spiderlings hatch from eggs. Each one has eight tiny legs. A spider has more eyes than you. Most have eight, and you have two. A spider has two body parts. Across its web it quickly darts. From a spider's spinnerets Sticky spider silk jets. Spiders feel the frantic tugs, Of their favorite food; it's bugs!
Now that you have learned a few facts about spiders…. You are going to research spiders a little bit more! Working with your peanut butter and jelly partner, you will be given a book. Read your book together. Using the sticky notes, make sure you and your partner find at least four interesting facts about spiders.