Pesticides Any substance or mixture of substances designed to prevent, destroy, repel, or limit pests – Weeds – Insects – Diseases – Plant damaging organisms
Chemicals Controls in Horticulture Types of Chemical Controls – Classified by the type of pest they combat – Insecticides: Insects – Herbicides: Weeds – Nematicides: Nematodes – Bactericides: Bacteria – Fungicide: Fungi
How Chemical Controls Work Chemical TypeHow it works StomachPoison from whatever part of plant the insect eats ContactComes in contact with insects skin SystemicPoison found in the plant’s system, kills insect when it ingests plant FumigantsGas poisons that enter insect’s respiratory system
Types of Chemical Control Applications May require surfactant to help ensure chemical controls reach desired pests
Types of Pesticide Exposure Oral Exposure: Poison enters through the mouth Dermal Exposure: Poison touches skin and absorbed into body Inhalation Exposure: Breathing in particles or fumes
Pesticide Labels Required by the Environmental Protection Agency Certain information about the product is required: – Name – Producer/Manufacturer – Use – Signal Word – Contents
Chemical Storage and Hazard Disposal Even after using, pesticides can be dangerous Reduces risk to humans and environment – Well-ventilated – Dry – Away from extreme temperatures – Away from children, animals, and water supplies
Chemical Spray Equipment
Hazardous Materials Classification