Deaf People Education: crossing linguistic borders through e-Learning Introduced by Maria Tagarelli De Monte May 22nd, 2010 – Valletta, Malta LREC 2010 Workshops Supporting eLearning with Language Resources and Semantic data Maria Tagarelli De Monte and Giuseppe Nuccetelli Istituto Statale per Sordi di Roma, Italy
Roadmap Deaf peoples linguistic competences Why eLearning? The DEAL experience Issues in Deaf people e-education Conclusions
Roadmap Deaf peoples linguistic competences Why eLearning? The DEAL experience Issues in Deaf people e-education Conclusions
Linguistic competences in prelingual Deaf people Development of writing abilities – sinergy among Hearing Speech Writing Reading
Linguistic competences in prelingual Deaf people Development of writing abilities – sinergy among Hearing Speech Writing Reading Tipical problems in language production (written) Free morphology Clitic pronouns Prepositions Articles Sign Language has proven to be an excellent support to language development
Developing Educational Methodologies Using Sign Language Deaf people knowledge support and improvement Linguistic needs Existing competences Sign Language
Roadmap Deaf peoples linguistic competences Why eLearning? The DEAL experience Issues in Deaf people e-education Conclusions
User Generated Content (Web 2.0) possibility for deaf people to aggregate in online communities where to use both Video and Textual chat Deafness and Technology: Internet
User Generated Content (Web 2.0) possibility for deaf people to aggregate in online communities where to use both Video and Textual chat Use of written language in informal contexts Deafness and Technology: Internet
User Generated Content (Web 2.0) possibility for deaf people to aggregate in online communities where to use both Video and Textual chat Use of written language in informal contexts + Language acquisition (full immersion) Deafness and Technology: Internet e-Learning
Roadmap Deaf peoples linguistic competences Why eLearning? The DEAL experience Issues in Deaf people e-education Conclusions
The DEAL experience: a mosaic of codes Catalan Sign Language Austrian Sign Language Italian Sign Language Italian German Spanish
Each Unit contains one way supports: Introductive videos in SL explaining the unit activities An animated reference story (subtitled) upon which educational activities are developed Dialogue transcription giving learners the possibility to open lexical or grammatical micro-windows in SL Exercises to improve learners lexical and grammatical knowledge The DEAL experience: educational units structure
Introductive videos in SL explaining the unit activities The DEAL experience Educational Units - examples
An animated reference story (subtitled) upon which educational activities are developed
Dialogue transcription giving learners the possibility to open lexical or grammatical micro-windows in SL The DEAL experience Educational Units - examples
Exercises to improve learners lexical and grammatical knowledge The DEAL experience Educational Units - examples
Bidirectional tools: Interactive teaching activities where the tutors work with the students starting from their questions and their doubts in the educational system. Videoconference possibility among peers and with tutors Forum Sign Language is used at several interaction levels: Interaction among peers Interaction with teachers The DEAL experience: educational units structure
The DEAL experience Educational Units - examples Videoconference possibility among peers and with tutors
Platform evalutation When:June 2008 Where: Istituto Statale per Sordi di Roma (Italy) on Spanish Course Who: 8 deaf teenagers, 1 spanish teacher, 1 interpreter (+2 researchers) How: blended learning (teacher and interpreter in class)
The DEAL experience: evaluation results PROS educational methodology use of videoconferencing system use of explanatory windows in SL CONS interface How does the platform works? Not clear Forum doesnt give any immediate feedback on questions Sign Language windows considered too small administration of user visual skills
Visual skills administration in Deaf People education In deaf people code complexity is managed by the only sense of sight Loss of multimediality (video, images, text, sound)
Roadmap Deaf peoples linguistic competences Why eLearning? The DEAL experience Issues in Deaf people e-education Conclusions
In deaf people code complexity is managed by the only sense of sight Loss of multimediality (video, images, text, sound) Visual skills administration in Deaf People education
Management of Space and Time All learning objects must be positioned in order to allow learner to return to the selected resource when needed Screen Space: all visual elements should be highly visible, easy to decode, and giving good navigational cues A proper management of screen space and time will impact the emerging relationship between learners and teachers and the construction of the learning environment
Great use of video and visual communication tools, makes data transmission quality one of the main issues of e-learning platforms for the deaf. Real-time online video communication such as video-chat for sign language or lip movement are strongly affected by the efficiency of data transmission, as this should be as close as possible to real people movements. The importance of an efficient data transmission
Roadmap Deaf peoples linguistic competences Why eLearning? The DEAL experience Issues in Deaf people e-education Conclusions
Designing efficient eLearning environments for the Deaf Defining the role of sign language in the variety of possible codes Regulating Interaction Space and Time
Thank you for your attention!! Istituto Statale per Sordi di Roma Rome – Italy