ANIMOTO PROJECT Starting Research 10/25/2011
Today we begin finding information (facts) on the TWO words we have been assigned for the ANIMOTO Film Project.
Check the list on the board or my WEB SITE to see what you are assigned. EVERYONE is assigned one word for the Water Cycle and one word for the States of Matter.
You will be given 4 index cards. The index cards will be were you collect your work AND practice how you plan on setting up your Mini-Posters for the film project.
For the first two index cards practice your title pages for each film project. Remember you want your work to POP – to make it more appealing so your fellow “film makers” will want to use you and your work in their films. Black and white is BORING. Add COLOR and DESIGN to make yourself stand out!
For the other two index cards you will write the word you were assigned on the front then 2 – 3 facts about that word on the back. Gas turns back into liquid. Clouds are examples of condensation. Fog is an example of condensation.
I have checked out 9 books from the library on the Water Cycle and States of Matter. If all the computers are being used you need to look through these books to find facts you need. You may NOT take these books home. They must stay at the school. Put them back on the eraser shelf by the whiteboard when you have finished using them.
Another tool in your research bag is the computer. Go to my WEB SITE then click on ANIMOTO PROJECT, then ANIMOTO PROJECT DIRECTIONS. I have placed several web sites for the Water Cycle and the States of Matter there for you to use.
This is an INDEPENDENT ASSIGNMENT. You may not write the same facts as another student in this class. You need to come up with your own facts.
When you have completed the index cards, show them to me and I will give you 4 mini posters. You will transfer the work you did on the index cards to the mini posters.
When your mini posters are complete I will take 6 pictures of you with your work. The pictures will be on a special server that we will use to create our ANIMOTO films on Friday.
Participate in the ANIMOTO FILM PROJECT is a GRADE. A 50/F is the grade for anyone who chooses not to participate in this assignment.