Part I. Introduction
Anneliese Marie: Born June 12, 1929 Mom: Edith Dad: Otto Sister: Margot Otto had a library; encouraged girls to read Moved from Germany to Amsterdam after Hitler took reign
Anne attended public school until forced to attend an all-Jewish school (1940) Received a diary on her 13 th birthday (1942) Wrote about typical teenage life Chronicled changes that took place (oppression, etc) July 1942: Margot received an order to be sent to a work camp Otto came up with a plan to put family in hiding Above his business Left a note indicating the family had left for Switzerland
Hiding place: “The Secret Annex” Entrance: hidden by bookcase Miep: employee Knew of their hiding place Only contact to outside world Brought supplies Informed them of news If found helping Jews = death penalty
Joined by others– the van Pels (van Daans) family and Mr. Pfeffer (Mr. Dussel) 8 people hid for 25 months
Wrote in diary while in hiding Narrative; wrote regularly Depicted events happening in the Annex Wrote on events outside of hiding Wrote of feelings, beliefs, ambitions Wrote of things she couldn’t discuss with anyone Described relationships with other people in hiding Became more mature in her writing as time progressed Anne’s final diary entry: August 1, 1944