Renewal Sunday 2013. Seeking to Live - as a Christ follower where we are Commitment to Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church.


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Presentation transcript:

Renewal Sunday 2013

Seeking to Live - as a Christ follower where we are Commitment to Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church

Renewal Sunday 2013 Seeking to Live - as a Christ follower where we are Commitment to Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church Pray - for others and the Church

Renewal Sunday 2013 Seeking to Live - as a Christ follower where we are Commitment to Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church Pray - for others and the Church Care - for those around us

Renewal Sunday 2013 Seeking to Live - as a Christ follower where we are Commitment to Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church Pray - for others and the Church Care - for those around us Give - to enable others to do

Renewal Sunday 2013 Seeking to Live - as a Christ follower where we are Commitment to Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church Pray - for others and the Church Care - for those around us Give - to enable others to do Attend - to encourage others by our presence

Renewal Sunday 2013 Seeking to Live - as a Christ follower where we are Commitment to Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church Pray - for others and the Church Care - for those around us Give - to enable others to do Attend - to encourage others by our presence Invite - others to what will be helpful for them

Renewal Sunday 2013 Seeking to Live - as a Christ follower where we are Commitment to Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church Pray - for others and the Church Care - for those around us Give - to enable others to do Attend - to encourage others by our presence Invite - others to what will be helpful for them Serve - where we can

Renewal Sunday 2013 Lord, we pray for our Church and our leaders Thank you for our strengths Have mercy on our weaknesses We commit ourselves to be used by you Grant us Power in prayer Unity in fellowship Grace in relationships Fruitfulness in labour And your presence in worship

Lord, thank you for your provision last year, this is our offering to you. May it enable;- Your word to be proclaimed Your love to be shared Your power to be experienced Your salvation to be found Your kingdom to grow Your Church to be strengthened Your Name to be glorified This is our desire, Amen.

Renewal Sunday 2013 Where are we? and where are we going?

Renewal Sunday verbs to describe the actions of a Disciple

Renewal Sunday 2013 Most common verbs in Gospels? Love Heal Go Believe Forgive SaveDo not judge Do not fear Obey Pray Follow Deny Be faithful Do good Serve Be merciful Rejoice Drive outSeek Ask Set free Give (money/food) Preach/proclaim Tell

Renewal Sunday 2013 Most common verbs in Gospels Love - 64 Heal - 18 Go Believe - 88 Forgive - 17 Save - 21 Do not judge - 4 Do not fear - 22 Obey - 11 Pray - 29 Follow - 35 Deny - 4 Be faithful - 6 Do good - 6 Serve - 10 Be merciful - 3 Rejoice - 7 Drive out - 20 Seek - 9 Ask - 54 Set free - 9 (Be sent) Give (money/food) - 28 Top 5 Tell - 9 Preach/proclaim - 11

Renewal Sunday 2013 Going... Not to a place but to a people Matthew Therefore go and make Disciples of all nations Matthew Therefore go and make Disciples of all nations Going beyond our circle of relationships to people we don’t know to people we don’t understand

Renewal Sunday verbs to describe the actions of a Disciple

Renewal Sunday Go Positive action to Go to people Matthew Therefore go Matthew Therefore go

Renewal Sunday Go 2. Make 3. Positive action to Go to people Inspire others to choose Matthew Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Renewal Sunday Go 2. Make Positive action to Go to people Inspire others to choose Train people in love Matthew Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Renewal Sunday Go 2. Make 3. Love Positive action to Go to people Inspire others to choose Train people in love Serve and obey Mark Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ Mark Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ Baptise

Renewal Sunday verbs to describe the actions of a Disciple 1. Go 2. Make 3. Love Positive action to Go to people Inspire others to choose Train people in love Care Serve and obey Mark Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Baptise

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) - All activities - the invitation - the welcome - All activities - the invitation - the welcome

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving - All activities The way we do what we do - All activities The way we do what we do

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining - Services - Alpha - Youth and Children’s work - Conversations - Services - Alpha - Youth and Children’s work - Conversations

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining Modelling/ Mentoring Modelling/ Mentoring Shared lives - groups - friendships Shared lives - groups - friendships

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining Modelling/ Mentoring Modelling/ Mentoring Expressed in Baptism

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining Modelling/ Mentoring Modelling/ Mentoring Expressed in Baptism Baptism - demonstration of...

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining Modelling/ Mentoring Modelling/ Mentoring Expressed in Baptism ✔ Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining Modelling/ Mentoring Modelling/ Mentoring Expressed in Baptism ✔✔ Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith - desire to persevere Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith - desire to persevere

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining Modelling/ Mentoring Modelling/ Mentoring Expressed in Baptism ✔✔✔ Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith - desire to persevere - desire to show Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith - desire to persevere - desire to show

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining Modelling/ Mentoring Modelling/ Mentoring Expressed in Baptism ✔✔✔✔ Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith - desire to persevere - desire to show - desire for others to follow Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith - desire to persevere - desire to show - desire for others to follow

Renewal Sunday 2013 a Disciple Follows Goes where Jesus says Does what Jesus says Making Understands Perseveres Models Reproduces Contacting (go) Contacting (go) Loving Explaining Modelling/ Mentoring Modelling/ Mentoring Expressed in Baptism ✔✔✔✔ ✔ Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith - desire to persevere - desire to show - desire for others to follow - desire to obey Baptism - demonstration of... - understanding of faith - desire to persevere - desire to show - desire for others to follow - desire to obey

Renewal Sunday 2013 Prayer Unlocking the Bible Worship Small Groups Youth & Children Outreach Practical help & advice Building a baptising Church

Renewal Sunday 2013 Prayer Teaching the Bible Worship Small Groups Youth & Children Outreach Practical help & advice Building a baptising Church

Renewal Sunday 2013 Prayer Teaching the Bible Worship Small Groups Youth & Children Outreach Practical help & advice Building a baptising Church “The prayer pillar is too short”

Renewal Sunday 2013 Prayer Teaching the Bible Teaching the Bible Worship Small Groups Youth & Children Outreach Practical help & advice Building a baptising Church

Renewal Sunday 2013 Saviour God We will love you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; Embolden us to go the people around us Empower us to love our neighbours Equip us to make disciples Inspire us to obey you And be with us, we pray. For your glory Amen