Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Rural Development Call for Proposals (CfP) Increasing Competitiveness, Diversification and Sustainability Business Plan Preparation for the EC Funded Rural Development Call for Proposals (CfP) Increasing Competitiveness, Diversification and Sustainability February 2012
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support General information : A business plan has to be submitted together with the Application for both Measure A and Measure B An outline of the Business Plan is provided in ANNEX II B of the Guidelines for Applicants
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support General information : The applicant has to ensure that the text of its business plan: n does not exceed 10 full pages (A4 size) of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins, and n is drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate its assessment.
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support The length and complexity of the business plan should reflect the grant amount requested and the characteristics of the Applicant (for example, a limited company seeking a grant of EUR 100,000 should provide a well defined business plan while a natural person (for example a farmer) seeking a grant of EUR 25,000 will provide a simpler business plan).
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support It is important that the Applicant provides all the necessary information asked in the business plan outline in order to allow a full assessment of the project.
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Details of the applicant n Name and business name, individual/company/producer group/association logo, address, telephone number, fax number, address.
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support n What type of business is it? (Sector? Farmer, processor, rural/eco tourism operator, etc)? n When was the legal entity founded or activity started? Is it a start-up, or an established enterprise? What is the story behind the founding of the entity? n What is the business' legal structure? Sole proprietorship? Company? Producer group, non profit association? Presentation of the applicant and present situation
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Presentation of the applicant and present situation n What do you think are the strengths of your enterprise/entity in the production or delivery of services? What are your weaknesses? Opportunies/Threats n Please describe the extent and condition of your existing infrastructure. This should include information relating to ownership/age/condition of buildings, machinery and equipment and other relevant elements
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Management of the business: Management of the business: How many persons are working in the business/entity and what are their background, expertise and responsibilities? Who owns and controls your business/entity Do you have any supports services such as technical advisory, accountant, advertising agencies, tour operators, etc?
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Who will the Applicant sell to? How will the product(s) be sold? What market needs do the product(s) meet? What is the size of your market (local, regional, national, international)? n Describe the characteristics of the potential customers and indicate whether the customers are cost or quality conscious, under what circumstances they buy/purchase services, and what types of concerns they have. The Market
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support The Market n Who are your present competitors? How many companies offer similar or identical products/services? Which are the differences between you and your competitors? n What do you think is preventing you from gaining a greater market share? For example: low quality product/service, lack of sufficiently skilled employees, lack of sufficient quality or quantity machinery, lack of information, lack of coordination of operators, etc.
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support n Explain main competitive advantages of your products/services (e.g. price, quality, durability, delivery, other special features). n How will you distribute/sell your products/services (through intermediaries, wholesalers, retailers, tour operators, etc) n How will your clients find out about your products/services? Which methods of publicity/advertising will you use? Will you take part to fairs, exhibitions, etc? If yes, to which ones? Sales & Marketing:
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Sales & Marketing : n Do you plan to export? If relevant, mention the foreign markets where you plan to launch the products/services and how you plan to promote them. n Do you believe there will be any changes on the market? If so, how you will adapt to those changes?
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Investment proposal: n What will you use the investment for? (describe how you will expand or improve an existing product/service or describe how you will develop a new product/service). n Give details on the market of the products or services such as what is the nature of demand in this market: permanent/seasonal/cyclical? How many potential customers are there on the market? Are they international, national or local? Is the potential customer base restricted to the northern part of Cyprus? If not, what other regions are targeted?
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Investment proposal: n Are there any additional infrastructure requirements for the project? How will these requirements be met? n Are there any legal requirements for the implementation of the investment. For example licenses, permits or similar. Important: If the project depends on building construction or building rehabilitation, a copy of the construction permit and other required authorisations may be asked by the European Commission before contracting.
Rural Development Support Team EU Turkish Cypriot community support Thank you for your attention