Welcome Back to St. Leo the Great School Please find your child’s desk and read the note your child left for you. Kindly write a brief message back to your child. 2012-2013 Grade 5
Prayer for the Beginning of the New School Year Dear Lord, as we begin this new school year, we gather once again as your community of believers. We thank you for the energy and the spirit that you renewed in us through the summer months. We thank you for the time to enjoy our family and friends and to reflect on what is important in our lives. Let this year be marked by enthusiasm and love so that, with the inspiration of your Spirit, we may continue to grow in our faith. Help us to fulfill Your hope for us with honest intentions and works of faith. Let us be gentle with ourselves and bring laughter, joy and love to others. We ask this in your name. Amen.
A Little About Mrs. Berger Graduated from Millersville University in 2008. BS in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education. Currently attending the University of Scranton. Fifth year teaching, third at St. Leo’s. 4th grade – two years in NC 4th grade – one year at St. Leo’s 5th grade Twin boys and a daughter
Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement (stickers and H-E-A-V-E-N - marbles) Be fair, consistent, and understandable Fair is not always equal Deal with disruptions with as little interruption as possible Visuals Classroom Rules Respect each other, each others property, and yourself. Mouth closed during tests and while others are talking. Raise your hand to speak. Be all that you can be. Be Excellent! Think… “W.W.J.D.?” (What Would Jesus Do?)
Homework Planners - responsibility Policy Homework detention will be given for four or more missed or incomplete homework assignments. One missed assignment – 1st warning Two missed assignments – 2nd warning Three missed assignments – 3rd warning Four missed assignments – Homework detention A homework notice will be sent home for every missed or incomplete assignment. After one hour, close the books. Please do not spend more than an hour on homework. Still unfinished? Send in a note. I need a note to avoid the hw notice.
Content Language Arts Integrated and skill based – anthology (reading skills with story – fact/opinion, main idea, sequencing, author’s purpose, cause and effect, etc.) Condensed versions of age-appropriate chapter books (Thunder Rose, Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, Journey to the Center of the Earth, etc.) Story usually introduced on a Tuesday. Read and reread on Wednesday and Thursday. Test usually on a Thursday.
Writing Spelling Skill based Writing prompts (persuasive, informative, opinion, narrative) Multi-step writing process (idea web to final draft and publish) Spelling Monday list is given Friday = Test Words based on sounds occurring within words (15 regular, 3 challenge, 2 sentences)
Social Studies Scott Foresman Series Tests, quizzes, projects Heroes Fair – February (Any person from history who had a positive impact on U.S.) Field Trip – Gettysburg (end of year) Volunteers (letter sent home around April)
Science Tests, quizzes, projects Life Science Earth Science Cells and how Body Systems work together Plant growth and reproduction Energy and ecosystems Earth Science Rock Cycle Fossils Changes to Earth’s surface Earth, Moon, and Beyond Physical Science Properties of Matter Motion
Religion Christian morality, creed, prayers Community Service – Corporal Works of Mercy, clothe the naked Retreat – October 4th Jim Gontis: Presentation on “The Year of Faith”
A Successful Student * Demonstrates a good attitude * Self-monitors his/her behavior * Speaks up in class * Employs study skills * Sees teamwork between home and school
Reminders for a Successful Year: Encourage your child to: read at home every day. be organized and responsible. get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy breakfast each day. come to class with all of the materials necessary, especially homework. Respect themselves, Respect their school, and Respect others! ask for help. Most importantly, have fun!!!
Thank you for coming to open house Thank you for coming to open house. I look forward to working with each one of you and to a great new school year! St. Leo the Great School considers the parents the first teachers of the faith to their children. Christ is the Master Teacher; the example all of us hope to follow.