How could you tell a spider apart from a crayfish? What is the difference between these mouthparts: chelicerae, pedipalps, mandibles?
Can you name these Famous Uniramians?
Would you like to taste these Uniramians???
Subphylum Uniramia Centipedes Millipedes Insects ..over 900 000 types
Centipedes & Millipedes: long, worm like, many segments with legs CENTIPEDES- carnivores -use poisonous claws MILLIPEDES- detritus feeders - curl up in ball to hide
Characteristics of INSECTS 3-part body 3 pairs of legs (attached to thorax) Also, usually: One pair antennae Compound eyes Wings (2 pairs) Tracheal tubes
Feeding 3 pairs of appendages used as mouth parts (rip & tear) Saliva Leg hairs
Movement 3 pairs walking legs- spines, hooks LG muscles operate wings Requires lots of energy (LG mitochondria)
Insect Societies
Insect Societies Different “castes” or types of individuals to different jobs Reproductive females “Queens” Reproductive males fertilize Queen’s eggs Workers Do all jobs EXCEPT reproduction (watch young, get food, build home etc)
Bees, ants and wasps- females are workers
Termites- male & female workers
Insect Communication -sound /visual / chemical signals Ex) Male crickets rub forewings together and chirp to find mates
Insect Communication Ex) Male fireflies “FLASH” using light making organ on abdomen
Insect Communication Pheremones: chemical signals that affect behaviour &/or development Can signal death / finding food Can control colony Eg) Queen bee prevents development of rival Queen Makes workers unable to lay eggs
Honeybee Communication Use sound,movements & pheremones Round dance: Signals food is less than 50m away
Waggle dance: Signals food is over 50m away