Employment and workplace relations services for Australian’s By Ashleigh I
What the website offers: In the workplace: In the work place link offers advice and help in the following categories such as finding staff, Job loss, Pay, leave and conditions, Time and wages, record keeping and pay slips, Work life balance and workplace issues. Finding work: The Finding work link offers skills such a gaining skills, looking for work, starting a business and starting work. For Individuals Advice for individuals link offers, contractors, disadvantages job seekers, employees, indigenous Australian's, Job seekers, migrants, parents, students, volunteers, for Organisations offers assistance on Business assistance. To the community, Education and employers Programs offer: Community work, disability employment network, Employee share ownership, employer incentives scheme, employment innovation fund, helping people move into work, indigenous programs, job placement employment and training, personal support programme, self employment, trades recognition Australia, vocational rehabilitation services, involves work and family and gives workplace advice. Publications Publications offer information on privacy, policy and reviews, brochures and reviews, news, legislation, employment, workplace relations, research and statistics and employment and related services purchasing.
Summary: This website is targeted to anyone who is looking for advice, answers or information about the running of a business in an easy, universal language. Whether you’re an individual looking to improve you’re business, whether you’re a person who is looking specifically to start up an organisation or program there is definitely something here for you. They welcome feedback from anyone willing to give their advice or opinions. On their home page they offer current news updates pacifically about business issues which is open to everyone to read on a easy-to-read plane down the side. Offers new employment services such as workplace authority etc.
Websites offered: Work place info line: My opinion is that the amount of information that is available to you on this website is unbelievable! They have everything you would ever need to know about and you know you can trust the website and the information because its made up of a group of people from the Australia Government. I think the website layout is very professional and appropriate for the target of people that would relate or want this information. People who runs the website: The information on this website is presented by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (the Department) for the purpose of disseminating information for the benefit of the public.