Gulf Solvo Chem - MWOR® Introduction & Key Features Applications The Process Environmental Benefits
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Introduction Save your Marine Culture Gulf Solvo Chem – MWOR (Marine Waste Oil Reclamation) is our slop oil refinement system which provides refinement to coastal petrochemical pollution. Some key features about it are: Convert the waste sludge, slop oils and bilge near your dockyard into utilizable and clean fuel oil (HGO, IFO & XFO). Cut down on your energy consumption used during the process by our innovative technologies. Obtain pure water which may be used for any necessary purpose. We also provide improved traceability solutions and can provide for the entire carbon footprint as well. Along with these primary necessities, we also help in improving port conditions and provide certain maritime solutions affiliated to our process as well. Our process already has minimal residues and our R&D team is continuously working to create a 0 residue process.
Applications The light cut and intermediate fuel may be used as a fuel for marine transport facilities. The heavy cut can be used as tar and can be used in road formation, vessel painting (anti-rust coating), etc. Water obtained during the process can be used under any purpose. The water obtained from the distillation process can be used in pre heating the distillation column inputs.
Dewatering Unit
The Process Some solution must definitely be devised about this and that is exactly where we, Gulf Solvo Chem step in. With our technique, we hope to refine impure inputs inclusive of slops, sludge, bilge water and other wastes (such as sea dumping, port level discharges, etc.). We can purify these wastes by our indigenous technique to give four main outputs: Water, Side Cut (HGO) Intermediate fuel oil (IFO) and Heavy Oil (XFO). We intend to research and further improve our residues levels to almost zero. The process begins with separation of oil and water by centrifuging. The water is sent for further treatment and is purified to necessity. The oil containing fraction is then further sent for further processing. This processing involves specific distillation processes perfected by our team. The side cut fuel oil (HGO), intermediate fuel oil (IFO) and heavy oil (XFO) is obtained after this process along with some more water vapor. This water will be combined with the water collected earlier. The inherent heat of this distilled water vapor can be used in a regenerative process as well. As a result, we have purified the emulsion of wastes into the vital components.
Environmental Benefits Gulf Solvo Chem – MWOR is a system which is primarily focused on eliminating pollution. Some of its environmental benefits are: Cleaning of the dockyard and coastal regions from petrochemical wastes. Restoration of marine and aqua culture in the vicinity of areas where petrochemical contaminants were hindering such activities. Reduction in the use of first hand ship fuel. Hence leading to a more sustainable utilization of the resource. Production of pure water which can add on to the quality of the coastal water. Regenerative energy cycles which result in saving the energy being consumed during the process itself. Prevention in the addition of carbon to the carbon cycle and hence reducing emissions. The Heavy cut can be used in many forms such as tar, etc and hence the process has no waste products.