Denmark and the UN Covention Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities Lars Surrow The LEV National Association
Convention oA convention is not a law but expresses a common understanding of how you perceive a given issue oA UN convention is an international agreement on common understanding, in this case about people with disabilities rights in society
Why a convention? oWhen the international society wants a convention concerning people with disabilities we need to ask why? oBecause people with disabilities around the world is not all being treated well. There is therefore a need to create a common ethic or code of conduct for how to treat people with disabilities.
Implementation of the UN convention in Danish legislation? oThe intention in the UN convection is contained in the Danish legislation oA few placed the convention create dilemmas oDiscretion (legal judgment) as opposed to rights oIndividual choices – legal rights
Legal discretion vs. rights oThe convention aims at rights, including social security oSocial security, services and care is given after the legislative framework in which individual discretion determine benefits. oImplementation of the legal principle will in a Danish perception lead to that all are awarded benefits after a lowest common denominator principle.
Individual choice vs. Legal Protection oThe UN Convention suggests that you should chose yourself who should help you if you can not conduct an election on your own. I n Denmark two political opponents are appointed who assists in connection with elections to persons who are unable to conduct elections A relationship to the person who must elect effects the voting
Denmark and the UN Convention oDenmark has ratified the UN Convention but have not signed the Additional Protocol, which allow citizens to complain to the UN system if Denmark does not comply with the Convention.
Convention in relation to the intellectually disabled and their families oUN Convention is not legally binding, but Denmark is a member of the EU, which has a number of directives that accurately gives rights to people with disabilities
Prohibition against discrimination oThe Amsterdam Treaty introduces equality and human rights 2 directives The Directive on federal discrimination against people because of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, religion / belief, age and disability The directive on equal treatment in employment
Information in Easy-to-read oThe LEV National Association has worked with the provisions of the Treaty of Amsterdam and published easy-to- read material. - -