Henry VIII Test One Sheets 1-4
1.What were the dates of the reign of Henry VIII? 1509 to 1547
2. How old was Henry VIII when he became King? 17
3.Name one musical accomplishment Played lute Played harpsichord Sang well Composed music
4.Name one sporting activity Archery Jousting Wrestling Tennis
5. Who was his first wife? Catherine of Aragon
6.Name of Henry’s brother to whom she had been previously married? Arthur
7.Name of Pope’s permission for Henry to marry her? Papal Dispensation
8.Why was this necessary? Church law said cannot marry brother’s widow
9. Why did Henry want someone to govern the country for him? So he could devote himself to pleasure
10. Where was Thomas Wolsey born? Ipswich
11. What was his family background? Son of butcher
12. What was his first important job for the Royal Family? Chaplain to Henry VII
13 and 14. What were the names of Henry VII’s two tax collectors whom Henry VIII had executed? Richard Empson Edmund Dudley
15. Why did he have them executed? So he could become popular
16. What was the name of the organisation Henry joined to drive the French out of Italy? Holy League
17. What was the first job Henry gave to Wolsey? To organise another expedition
18. What was the nickname of the battle the English won as a result? Battle of the Spurs
19. What French town did the English win as a result? Tournai
20. At which battle were the Scots defeated? Flodden
21. Who led the English army at this battle? Earl of Surrey
22.Who was the most important Scots person killed at this battle? James IV
23.One thing the French agreed to in the peace treaty English could keep Tournai French to make English an annual payment France and England to become allies
24. Who was the French king whom Henry’s sister Mary would marry? Louis XII
25. What was the effect of all this for Wolsey? Henry decided he was the man to run the country