Sunnah (Sunna) is an Arabic term meaning 'habitual practice'. is the customary practice of the Prophet Muhammad. is the second source of Islamic jurisprudence, (the first being the Qur'an) both the Qur'an and the Sunnah are indispensable - one cannot practise Islam without both being consulted.
Hadith Hadith meaning communication or narrative. Plural term for hadith is ahadith. The Hadith is the narration about the life of the Prophet Muhammad. It contains eyewitness records of the Prophet Muhammad's words, actions and approbations and is taken as a model of behaviour by Muslims. The Hadith books contain a complete and authentic record of the life and mission of the Prophet Muhammad.
These show how he exemplified the teachings and commandments of God in practice, and elaborated the principles laid down in the Qur'an in order to provide a sure guidance for their interpretation and application for all later times and societies. These sayings are found in books called Hadith books.