Karin Sjölin Swedish Civil Aviation Authority


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Presentation transcript:

Karin Sjölin Swedish Civil Aviation Authority 15 February 2005 Emissions Charges Karin Sjölin Swedish Civil Aviation Authority

Background–development in Sweden 1989 environmental tax, NOx applied to Swedish registered aircraft on domestic commercial flights 1991 environmental tax, Nox + CO2 tax incompatible with EU directives 1998 environmental charge applied at nine Swedish airports

Original Model in Sweden revenue neutral addition to landing charge according to aircraft engine pollution HC NOx average value LTO cycle ICAO Engine Exhaust Emissions Data Bank

Political and formal context political acceptance preference over a charge than a tax desire for widely used systems and international agreements a common classification system in Sweden and Switzerland welcomed enhance the impact on the decisions and behaviours of the airline industry

Model related issues national and international interest by media attention from organisations, airlines and airports easy to administrate works well for most aircraft the classification system regarding turboprops suggestion for a continuous scale

Conclusions – evaluation meeting 2000 a driver for environmentally friendly technology engine choices influenced by the introduction of the emissions charge newer aircraft types with better environmental characteristics serves Stockholm-Arlanda a good environmental standard has proven to be significant for the choice of aircraft/ engine manufacturer difficulties in assessing long-term impact

Conclusions - evaluation meeting 2000 LFV/FOCA agreed to proceed to a further harmonisation of both systems considering comments from the meeting Initiative to further explore possible European harmonisation

ECAC – ERLIG model Terms of Reference Consider existing resolutions and statements about environmental pricing Review background information on the experience of emission charges and on the benefits achieved Review and define the emissions and engine types to be covered and the reasons for their selection Analyse the need of a common appropriate data base with aircraft emission data on which to base charges Evaluate possible limits of the system in terms of application to type and size of aircraft and/or airports

ERLIG - Principles A single recommended methodology NOx prime pollutant Polluter Pays principle Non-discriminatory- all aircraft over 8616Kg Follow international guidelines on charges ICAO data and FOI for unregulated engines

ERLIG recommendation Draft ECAC Recommendation and Guidance Material Approved at ANCAT 27-28 March 2003 Director Generals of ECAC meeting 14-15 May 2003 – Approved ECAC/27 8-9 July 2003 - Approved

ERLIG implementation Sweden implemented the new model 1 March 2004 Replaced the previous Model at all LFV airports (19) Aim – harmonisation, continuous scale Evaluation taken into consideration Heathrow 1 April 2004 Planned: Gatwick 2005, Switzerland 2005 More countries to implement; Co-ordination, consultation and information important tools in the process

Consultation with Stakeholders Transparent process Agreed on principles Consider the model fair Acceptance of the Polluter Pays Principle

Current situation in Sweden Evaluation of ERLIG model 1 year after implementation, March 2005 political pressure to introduce landing charges also on CO2, used in national political negotiations

BAA´s air quality charges - objectives Deployment of the best available technology in fleets operating into Heathrow and Gatwick Procurement of best available emissions technology The rate of technological advance in emissions reduction