LIFE OF THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD ( ) Meaning of “Seerah”: Seerah means the study of the life of the holy prophet Muhammad ( ). It is the study of his life and all that is related to him. The information related to him would be like the events and aspects surrounding his biography. Importance in the Holy Quraan. Importance in the Hadith.
SELF PURIFICATION AND CHARACTER BUILDING Meaning: Tazkiya-e-Nafs means the purification or the cleansing of all those things which are unwholesome and unwelcome and unwanted. The Tazkiya of a person would mean the developing of his character, his thought, his behavior. Tazkiya in the Quraan. Tazkiya in the Hadith.
THE METHODOLOGY OF PROPHET ( ) Fearing Allah. Fear of hereafter. Self control. Worship. Repentance. Self accountability. Remembrance of Allah. Good & virtuous company. Moderation.
ETHICAL EDUCATIONAL Honesty: Importance in the Quraan. Importance in the Hadith. Benefits and Fruits of being Honest: Strong mutual confidence. Societal peace and stability. Monetary development. Welfare of community. Consent of Allah.
KEEPING PROMIS (IFAI-e-EHD) Importance in the Quraan. Importance in the Hadith. Example by Holy Prophet ( ). Benefits of Promise (Ifai-e-ehd): Mutual Understanding. Stability in day to day affairs. Consent of Allah.
TRUTHFULNESS Importance in the Quraan. Importance in the Hadith. Example from Seerah. Benefits of Truthfulness: Mutual trust. Boost in dignity and trust. Success in every aim. welfare everywhere. Will of Allah.
GOOD MORALS Justice in Islam. Respect to law. Lawful earning. Altruism.
METHODS OF IQAMAT-e-DIN(ESTABLISHMENT OF ISLAMIC WAY OF LIFE) Steadfastness in Belief. Making of an Islamic Society. Stages in making of Islamic society: a. Before migration period in Makkah. b. After migration period in Madinah. 3. Islamic justice. 4. Welfare system of Islam. 5. Process of step by step.
ESTABLISHMENT OF ISLAMIC WAY OF LIFE DURING CALIPH PERIOD Supremacy of Allah. The obedience to Prophethood by Sahaba. Electing or appointing a caliph. Majlis-e-Shoorah , parliament. Welfare state. Department of accountability. Judicial administration. Equality of humankind.
Basic human rights. Freedom of speech. Bait-ull-Mal . Land capturing. Simplicity. Treatment to conquered people. Spread of Islam. Fear of Allah and piousness.