The Science of Hadith.


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Presentation transcript:

The Science of Hadith

Lesson 22 Narration of Hadith

  The purpose of the science of Hadith is the documentation of the Sunnah (The Prophet’s sayings and traditions) with regards to the narration and text, and judging the validity of the Hadiths.

Traceable Hadith       In absolute terms, Hadith refers to all that pertains to the Prophet’s sayings, doings, tacit approval of a practice, or a description of the Prophet presented by one of the Companions. It is also known as a traceable Hadith.

Qudsiyy Hadith Qudsiyy Hadith is that which Allah transmitted to the Prophet (SAWS) who expressed the meaning in his own words.   

Mawquf Hadith Mawquf (arrested) Hadith is that which is ascribed to the companions, not to the Prophet (SAWS).     

Discontinuous Hadith       A discontinuous Hadith is one whose chain of transmission ends with a Successor, rather than a Companion or the Prophet (SAWS).

The Chain of Hadith Narration   The method of chaining Hadith narration: Hearsay from a Hadith narrator

Reading or showing (for approval) to the narrator

The narrator’s permission to another to narrate on his behalf

The narrator’s handing over of his original writing

The narrator’s assignment of another to write a copy of his writing.

According to the Number of Channels The Hadith is divided, according to its number of channels, into: Mutawatir Ahad.

Mutawatir Hadith    Mutawatir (recurrent) Hadiths are those related by whole groups of trustworthy individuals (may be five, ten, or more) from whole groups, in multiple generations of transmission, leading back to the Prophet himself, such that the sheer number of separate channels, at each generation of transmission is too many to be possible for all to have conspired to fabricate the Hadith.

Ahad Hadith It is that Hadith in which the conditions of the Mutawatir Hadith are not satisfied in one or more generations of transmission. It is divided into:

a) A Well-known Hadith A Well-known Hadith is one whose channels of transmission came through only three people up to five at any point in its history.

A Hadith is also termed Well-known if it is well-known in the concerned circles, regardless of the terminological definition. A Well-known Hadith, in that sense, is not necessarily an authentic one.

b) A Rare Hadith (`Aziz) A Rare Hadith (`Aziz) is one transmitted through just two for each generation of its transmission.

c) A Singular Hadith (Gharib) A Singular Hadith (Gharib) is one transmitted through just one individual at some stage in the history of its transmission.

Proofs from Qur’an and Sunnah

The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said: “He who deliberately lies on me his abode will be in the Hell.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)