HABMAP: CALIFORNIA HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOM MONTORING and ALERT PROGRAM Meredith Howard Southern California Coastal Water Research Project University of Southern California
Goals of the Regional Workshop for HABs in California Coastal Waters Assess feasibility of creating a statewide HAB alert network Facilitate information exchange among CA HAB community Identify the HAB-related research and monitoring programs in CA Identify major impediments to integrating programs and creating a HAB network
Recommendations and Outcomes of the HAB Workshop HAB alert network would be valuable for researchers and end users Compatibility among datasets and methods is main impediment Establish HABMAP Initiate interactive tools, such as e- mail list serve Intercalibration study of methods
Technologies and Methodologies For the Detection of Harmful Algae National design workshop sponsored by ACT, CICEET and Florida FWC Review current state of technologies and methodologies for toxin detection and quantification of harmful algae species West coast regional study to take place in Spring 2009 in Monterey Bay
Desirable Attributes of an Integrated Statewide Network
Benefits to a Coordinated Statewide Network Provides context for interpretation of local or regional data Improved communication with end user communities Improved ability to understand long-term trends in HABs and factors controlling them Opportunity to increase interaction between the CA OOS’
Next Steps for HABMAP Determine the design elements needed for a statewide network Assess interest of the Ocean Protection Council Seek collaboration and integration with the OOS’ (hopefully)