Documentation on ALARO Description of namelist variables and their meaning/tuning Content – very basic information on scheme – description of namelist.


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Presentation transcript:

documentation on ALARO Description of namelist variables and their meaning/tuning Content – very basic information on scheme – description of namelist switches and parameters NAMPHY, NAMPHY0, NAMPHY1,NAMPHY2, NAMGFL and if needed some others – short notes on possibilities and combinations which are available – default/proposed settings – comment if it is tunable or have given value, if it is sensitive on resolution change – reference where to find more information –... – basis is cy36; note if something is changed in cy37 or cy38

documentation on ALARO Turbulence - Louis - pTKE - moist gustiness - TOUCANS - mixing length Radiation - NER statistical model - Voigt effect - inversion detection (acnebn) - saturation cloud model - ozon profile - aerosol Large scale condensation scheme - Xu Randall / Smith / Rash-Kristjansen scheme Microphysics - PDF based sedimentation - fall speed - WBF process - cloud geometry - graupel - autoconversion, collection, evaporation and melting processes (alaro and arpege type)

documentation on ALARO Deep convection - updraft - downdraft - convective cloud cover - closure assumption - Entrainment - CA Shallow convection - current one - new inside TOUCANS Cloudiness - near maximum overlap GWD - (orographic influence) - drag - mountain lift - rotation around mountain Diagnostics - Screening level diagnostics - Roughness length - Drag coefficient - Gust diagnostics - Charnocks formula

LACE plan 2012/13 D1: Turbulence scheme TOUCANS: Ready for operational use Theoretical and technical documentations, scientific publications D2: Improvements in the radiation scheme: Ready for operational use Adaptations to improve also climate simulations D3: Cloud scheme: Finish analysis of harmonization (unification of cloudiness). Coding, make first tests.

LACE plan 2012/13 D 4: 1D-2D extension of turbulence (cont. in 2013) Evaluation D5: 3MT in high resolution implementation and validation operational use (2013) D6: SURFEX in ALARO (cont. in 2013) validations, ready for operational use

LACE scientific strategy to deliver NWP research and provide scientific innovations for 5-2km mesh, for the next generation of operative models a set of scale adoptive physical parameterizations various operational resolutions of the model the best price/quality ratio operational model at 2km.