2009 California APS meeting Karl van Bibber 28 March 2009
Aerial photo of NPS looking SW
3 About NPS The premier U.S. defense university, celebrating its centennial year Purely graduate school; moved from Naval Academy in faculty; 2500 students comprised of 1600 U.S. officers, 200 foreign officers, 700 civilian Organized in four schools –Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Sciences –Graduate School of Organizational & Information Science –Graduate School of Business & Public Policy –School of International Graduate Studies Campus is built on historic Del Monte Hotel (c. 1880); about half-mile square plus heavy labs on the Navy’s Monterey Pines golf course –Immediately off Hwy 1, Del Monte Ave. exit in Monterey –5-minute drive from Monterey Airport –About 100 miles south of SFO, 50 miles south of San Jose Int’l Excellent conference management department –Let’s navigate in by
4 Campus map of NPS (Capacity of larger conference rooms)
5 Google map (zoom in)
6 Google map (zoom out)
Candidate dates Pattern has been Friday-Saturday We should avoid –Week of September (final exams and graduation) –October (DNP, Hawaii) –November 2-6 (DPP, Atlanta) We propose three options; King Hall open for all dates: –October –October –November Let’s discuss various factors (e.g. school schedules) and converge on a final date at this meeting
Local organizers NPS local organizing committee: –Bruce Denardo (Chair) –Pete Crooker –Scott Davis –Raquel Herold (Administrator) Michelle Merenbloom (NPS head of conference office)
Security issues We have many conferences per year (40 or more major ones) with foreign nationals in attendance But NPS is a Navy installation & it is not as open as a typical civilian campus However, it is not significantly more restrictive than at a DOE/SC lab, e.g. LBNL nowadays Per discussions with Security, the tentative plan is: –There will be a registration cut-off date a couple of weeks or so before the conference –Conferees will receive their conference badge Friday morning either at the Pass Office, or possibly at the hotel –Saturday morning, all attendees will need to show photo ID matching their conference badge before getting on the bus –“Loose line-of-site” shepherding of SCFN conferees to and from lunch in Herrmann Hall Be aware security is always a dynamic issue
Conference dinner possibilities Dinner at the Monterey Bay Aquarium is a perennial conference favorite But NPS ballroom probably is better for an after-dinner speaker & cheaper
Other considerations Cost of this event has not yet been studied –We will get a waiver for basic use –The NPS Foundation (some allocation of which I control) can be expected to defray various costs at the few $K level A big plus is that a strong representation attending & presenting from NPS is guaranteed There may be competition (classes, other workshops) for the smaller conference rooms needed for parallel sessions, but this will be worked out