Web Archiving Challenges: Collaborative Collection Building
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Collaboration could mean: blending content California state government agencies California water districts Davis local government Los Angeles local government Monterey Bay local government Orange county local government Riverside local government San Diego local government Santa Barbara local government
The Challenge: Indexing! Tested federated search of NutchWAX indexes Currently moving from NutchWAX to SOLR
Collaboration could mean: opening collection development
Low-barrier tools for contributing University of North Texas Nomination Tool
CDL using JSON feed to bring all LSU tagged resources into archive
Tap into workflows librarians are already using
July 30 Demo > WAS News
Collaboration could mean: transferring web content across systems
Collaboration could mean: sharing information
Collaboration could mean: flexible accounts
Collaboration could mean: just using the web As people signal that certain web content is more meaningful to them, they increase the likelihood that it will be archived
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