Hans Burchard 1, Tom P. Rippeth 2 and Ulf Gräwe 1 1. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany 2. School of Ocean Sciences, University of Bangor, Wales Burchard, H., and T.P. Rippeth, Generation of bulk shear spikes in shallow stratified tidal seas, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, , Generation of shear-spikes in stratified shelf seas
Rotating bulk shear in Monterey Bay Itsweire et al. (1989)
PROVESS-NNS study site (observations: Sep-Nov 1998) ADCP, CTD, MST Wind
Bulk property observations in NNS Wind Bulk shear squared Bulk shear direction vs. inertial rotation
Theory I 1D dynamic equations: Layer averaging:
Theory II Layer-averaged equations:
Theory III Definition of bulk shear: Dynamic equation for bulk shear vector:
Theory IV Dynamic equation for bulk shear squared: Conclusion: Assuming bed stress being small, bulk shear is generated by the alignment of wind vector and shear vector.
Application of theory to observations
Observations of small-scale mixing Obtain spetra of small-scale shear from mirostructurprofiler Calculate shear wave number spectrum Calculate dissipation rate by fitting empirical spectrum Apply Osborn (1980) to estimate eddy diffusivity:
Impact of bulk shear on diapycnal mixing Conclusion: Increased interfacial mixing rates correlate with high shear. Can we resolve this in 3D models?
Transect in NNS Observations (Scanfish data from BSH) Model results (GETM with adaptive coordinates) Gräwe et al. (in prep.)
Temperature [°C] phys adaptive with 30 layers non-adaptive with 30 layers Time series station from 3D model in NNS
phys adaptive with 30 layers non-adaptive with 30 layers Gräwe et al. (in prep.) Physical mixing log 10 [D phy /(K 2 /s)] Time series station from 3D model in NNS Galperin (1988), Umlauf & Burchard (2005)
Gräwe et al. (in prep.) Numerical mixing log 10 [D num /(K 2 /s)] phys adaptive with 30 layers non-adaptive with 30 layers Time series station from 3D model in NNS
Conclusions Increased interfacial mixing rates correlate with high shear. Numerical models have the capacity to provide sufficient vertical resolution to resolve the shear. Increased shear due to internal waves needs to be parameterised. Better parameterisation than clipping TKE must be found. Numerical mixing must be reduced to make better parameterisations effective.