Summer Kindergarten Orientation 1 Glover Avenue Haddonfield, NJ Gino R. Priolo, Principal
Agenda Welcome What the Kids Have to Say Video Introductions Students: Meet classmates and teacher! Parents: Overview of School and What You NEED to Know School Tour Message from the Tatem PTA Q and A
Important Calendar Notes Sept. 3: First day (9/3-5 half-days—12:30 dismissal) Kindergarten on normal schedule 9/3-5
What to Expect on First Day Beginning/End of School Day Line-up and exit locations/EA Supervised Students will be picked-up by teacher or assistant At end of day, student exit is supervised—child will only be released to an authorized adult For security reasons, all parents must sign in at the main office and receive a visitor's badge before entering the building.
Character Education Anti-Bully Programs Word of the Month Assemblies Good Citizenship Awards Morning Announcement For more information, please visit Mr. Priolo’s E-board at
Community Meetings During our Community Meeting: Define the Word of the Month Student Council’s Top 10 Word of the Month Trivia Drama club
School Hours Full-Day Outside supervision begins at 8:15. Kindergarten AM Session: 8:25-11:10 PM Session: 12:15-3:00 Half-Day Kindergarten AM Session: 8:25-10:55 PM Session: 10:00-12:30
Six-Day Schedule Identifies each day by number (Days 1-6) Listed in the Community Calendar
Attendance If it is necessary to keep a child home from school, please call the office by 8:30 and include the following information: Name, Teacher, and Reason for Absence If the school does not receive a call from parents, we will call your home and/or work. When a child returns to school after being absent, a note must be presented from home stating the reason for the absence.
Absence Policy 1 st through 5 th Unexcused absence: No Consequence 6 th and 7 th Unexcused absence: Warning, no consequences. (The warning is to be written and provide the parent with the guidelines for absence and request for support). 8 th Unexcused absence: Parent/Principal conference. During this conference a plan for student attendance will be developed for implementation. The child will be included in the planning, if appropriate 10 th Unexcused absence: Parent/Principal/DARE Officer conference. During this conference the plan for school attendance will be reviewed for effectiveness. Discussion will focus upon additional supports needed for consistent school attendance. The child will be included in the discussion, if appropriate.
Tardiness 1 st through 5 th Unexcused lateness: No Consequence 6 Th and 7 Th Unexcused lateness: Warning, no consequences. (The warning is to be written and provide the parent with the guidelines for lateness and request for support). 8 Th Unexcused lateness: Parent/Principal conference. During this conference a plan for arrival to school on time will be developed for implementation. The child will be included in the planning, if appropriate 12 th Unexcused lateness: Parent/Principal/DARE Officer conference. During this conference the plan for school attendance will be reviewed for effectiveness. Discussion will focus upon additional supports needed for punctual school attendance. The child will be included in the discussion, if appropriate.
Parking/Traffic Guidelines AM Drop-off lane Assisted/unassisted Where to park/where not to park PM No pick-up lane Where to park/where not to park
Pick-Up Please ensure all of your emergency contact information is accurate. Children will be released only to those authorized
Support for Students Classroom teacher Guidance Counselor Principal Nurse Instructional Support Program Language Arts Specialist Problem Solving Team Pupil Assistance Committee Child Study Team
Homework Guidelines Kindergarten—No regular HW assignments First—15 minutes Second—30 minutes Third—40 minutes Fourth—60 minutes Fifth—60 minutes
Home-School Communication Web Site and E-Newsletters PTA Meetings (once per month) Tatem Times Thursday Packets E-Board Coffee with the Principal We make a concerted effort to limit disruptions to teacher instruction. If you need to provide a message to your child in non emergency situations, we will be happy to take a message and ensure that it is delivered in a timely fashion.
Communication with Teacher is the primary method of communication with teachers. All teacher s are the first initial, last name, following All teachers also have voice mail Required 48-hour call back (or ) time A conference/meeting may be requested at any point in the school year
Parent Volunteer Opportunities…We highly value our partnership with parents! PTA Parent Playground Enrichment for All Tatem Fair For more information, please contact our PTA President Tracy Noone at
For Comprehensive School Information Visit Tatem’s Home Page at for… Parent/Student Handbook Parking/Traffic Information E-News The Tatem Times Faculty/Staff Contact Information Calendar of Events Lunch Menu Delayed Opening Schedule Please contact Linda Marino at or if you would prefer a hard copy of the Student/Parent Handbook…we will be happy to provide one for you!
Important Contacts Gino R. Priolo, Principal / , ext. 178 Linda Marino, Secretary ext. 102 Beth Herrera, Nurse ext. 104 Elyse Batoff, Counselor ext. Alan Fegley, Superintendent Bonni Rubin-Sugarman, Director of Special Education Haddonfield Child Care,