LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Local data assimilation system in Slovenia
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Facts 4.4 km, 43 levels 439*421 points / * km Aladin cy35t1 ALARO 3MT Timestep: 180s 3h ARPEGE LBC
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Observations All OPLACE observations, except METOP and NOAA-19 local NON-GTS SYNOP data No assimilation of SYNOP T2m and RH2m in 3DVAR
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana SMS assimilation suite
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana ODB / bator Merge of locally prepared obsoul and OPLACE for conv Created by subbases: conv amdr geow wpro sats sevb Fix in BATOR to avoid crash in case of no observations selected by lamflag Blacklisting not modified (from Hungary)
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Screening & minimization Constant bias correction: VARBC tested, but not yet sufficiently validated NITER=70, NSIMU=80 B matrix computed for July 2007 (~ 450 forecast differences), (downscaled) ensemble method REDNMC=1.3 (not tuned yet)
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Verification 2m RH and T assimilation? FF 700 Z 700 T 850
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Status Real-time operational cycle Production cycle is delayed / not regular
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Problems Packing bug – Negative Ts at some grid point – Disappears if fields not packed (NVGRIB=0) – Reproducible on some clusters, on others not – Final solution: not pack surface fields (~10 % increase in file size)
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Developments I LSAF Albedo
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Developments II Snow assimilation (CANARI + LSAF)
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Near future tasks Production suite + visualization and verification in operations Validate VARBC Improve observational usage Estimate/tune observational and background errors Add CANARI snow analysis Test and validate 3 hour RUC
LACE DA working days September 2010, Ljubljana Longer term Assimilate aircraft data, collected by a radar in Ljubljana airport (not really AMDAR) Test IASI and probably use it (will have 1py in )