OPERATION GREEN Seaquam Secondary School 2010/2011
ENERGY AUDITS Studied and recorded our school’s energy consumption during after- school hours Ex. Whether or not electronic devices were turned off Using pledge forms, we persuaded teachers to cut down energy usage
MOVIE NIGHT: the 11 th Hour One of our goals was to raise awareness about some of the problems of earth’s life systems. We educated the Seaquam community on topics like global warming and deforestation The film puts forward the need to take action by conserving energy and being socially responsible
COMMUNITY INITIATIVES Ivy Pull: We have assisted the Delta Cougar Stream Keepers in removing ivy, an invasive species, from our community Adopt-A-Street Program: We have encouraged environmental stewardship and civic pride by maintaining the cleanliness of Lyon Road
COMMUNITY INITIATIVES TD Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up: improved the appearance of Cougar Creek by removing large amounts of litter from the area partnered with BC Cancer Society to have a public showing of “The Chemical Reaction”, a documentary about the origin of the natural lawn care movement in North America
We’ve planted a rain garden in front our school, replacing the bike racks, which have been moved to another location The garden consists of succulents, heathers, and many other plants The garden will encourage environmental stewardship, and school unity RAINGARDEN PROJECT
OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS We’ve had a bake sale, sold pins, and donated the money to help save rainforests in the Amazon Held an earth week, where we had a light-off day, a walk to school day and a green trivia game
OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS Installed a hot water solar panel system on our roof to cut energy costs Won two $1,000 BC Hydro Sustainability Grants and a $1,000 Nature Trust Grant