Trivia Review Day
Question 1 O Which measure of central tendency will be the most affected by an extremely high value?
Question 2 O If we want to know that all the items on a test seem to measure the same thing, what kind of reliability should we examine?
Question 3 O What does the “coefficient of determination” tell us?
Question 4 O If we measure how applicants do on a typing test, and then 1 year later, see if that correlates to their current performance in a data entry position, what type of validity study is this?
Question 5 O Which of the following would NOT be considered performance? A. A server clears away dirty plates B. A librarian helps a student find a book C. A sales representative makes the highest commission in his district D. A violinist plays a concerto without making a mistake
Question 6 O We know that performance is multidimensional. So, when we put several pieces of performance together to form a criterion, this criterion is known as a what?
Question 7 O What is the difference between Army Alpha and Army Beta?
Question 8 O What is usually the criterion variable Industrial Psychologists are most interested in?
Question 9 O If we want to know how extreme a score of 9 is on a test, we need to know the mean and what?
Question 10 O If we correlated how many days a week you run with how many minutes it takes you to run a mile, what direction would that correlation probably be?
Question 1 O Name the three determinants of performance, according to Campbell’s model.
Question 2 O How many types of performance exist in every job, according to Campbell?
Question 3 O Name one characteristic of a good theory.
Question 4 O What type of research design allows us to determine causality?
Question 5 O Sometimes we might examine records such as data sets of test scores or public records. What type of research is this?
Question 6 O In this image, the area poorly outlined in red represents criterion __________. Actual CriterionUltimate Criterion
Question 7 O “Number of widgets produced in one hour” is an example of: A. Contextual performance B. Objective performance C. Subjective performance
Question 8 O In Sackett’s supermarket study examining typical and maximum performance, about what was the correlation between cognitive ability and typical performance? (you must be within.10 to earn this point)
Question 9 O What does OCB stand for?
Question 10 O What is the correct spelling of your instructor’s first and last name?
Tiebreaker O According to your book, about how many members of SIOP were there at most recent count?