Parkside M.S. Announcements Thursday April 3, 2014 BLUE Day
Announcements Panther’s on the Prowl CANCELED TONIGHT
Announcements Homework Club CANCELED TONIGHT
Announcements Battle of the Books Battle of the Books--the t-shirts are in. Bring your $12 to Ms. Burke and get your shirt.
Announcements Step Team There will be step team practice on Thursday this week.
Announcements INTERNATIONAL WEEK 04/03 THU: Heritage Pride or Panther Pride (wear heritage flag colors or panther colors) 04/04 FRI: Relay for Life Walk Colors (purple/red)
Announcements TODAY’S INTERNATIONAL TRIVIA This teacher is from a Spanish country That is famous for its coffee. Be the first student From your grade to come to Mrs. Maibeth’s room, 822a with the correct answer to get your prize.
Announcements Did you know that last year the American Cancer Society volunteers Gave more that 16,500 cancer survivors Rides to treatment? The Mini Relay for Life Walk is this Friday during all physical education classes. Are you ready to walk for a cure?
Announcements Attention all NJHS and SCA members: You must see Mrs. Pierce in order to pick up your pass and a letter in regard to the Relay for Life event taking place this Friday. If you do not have a pass, you will not be excused by your teachers to attend this event as a volunteer.
5th Annual Mini Relay for Life Walk April 4 th, 2014 Join in as we walk during all physical education classes. Step by step we can make a difference. The Parkside family first walked to show support for a mother of a one of our students. We soon understood that many of our Panther family and friends were effected by this disease. The battle continues as does our support. Please help us meet our goal of $1, by making a donation to the American Cancer Society today! You can donate on line at: look up team name Hope for the future, then participant Parkside Middle School. fr_id=61516 Or checks made to the American Cancer Society
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A