Pediatric Neurology Alyssa Jones
Job Description Works with children from ages 0-21 years of age Works with children from ages 0-21 years of age Study the brain and spinal cord. Study the brain and spinal cord. As few as 18 people become certified in the U.S. every year to become Pediatric Neurologists. As few as 18 people become certified in the U.S. every year to become Pediatric Neurologists.
Pro’sCon’s Good money Hard work Run your own practice Long hours In demand Helping others Time away from home Many research opportunites Little known about Neurology
Where Pediatric Neurologists Work Most work in their own private offices in bigger cities. Most work in their own private offices in bigger cities. Some do research at major research hospitals around the world, including Shands in Gainesville, FL. Some do research at major research hospitals around the world, including Shands in Gainesville, FL. Very few work in hospitals, although they do read test results for hospitals. Very few work in hospitals, although they do read test results for hospitals.
Types of Diseases Seen By Neurologists Epilepsy-Multiple seizures of any type that medicine cannot prevent. Epilepsy-Multiple seizures of any type that medicine cannot prevent. Birth Defects that are neurological. Birth Defects that are neurological. Seizures of any type Seizures of any type Paralyzed Children due to spinal cord injuries. Paralyzed Children due to spinal cord injuries.
Current Information Since the field of neurology is growing so rapidly and so little is known it is important to keep up with the latest research. This is possible by reading the Journal of Pediatric Neurology Journal of Pediatric NeurologyJournal of Pediatric Neurology