Greater Stuttgart Region
Integration area Integration area: 3,012 km 2 Inhabitants: million Employees:0.9 million Cities and villages: years of experience with integration One integration company for - hosting the sharing of the revenue - informing passengers about timetables and fares
Public transport authorities within the region State of Baden-Württemberg -> heavy rail Greater Stuttgart Region -> suburban rail (S-Bahn) -> regional important trains City of Stuttgart -> light rail and trams -> city buses 4 administrative districts -> regional buses
Operators in the integration network area SSBLength of lines Number of stops Number of vehicles Buses655 km Light Rail190 km Tramway17 km2036 German Rail and WEG Length of lines Number of stations Number of vehicles Suburban Rail (S-Bahn)248 km71255 Heavy Rail (DB)506 km108- WEG (Connex)46 km3721 Regional Buses Length of lines Number of stops Number of vehicles 38 companies3081 km
Ownership of the PT companies Heavy rail and suburban rail (S-Bahn): ->100% shareholder: Federal government Some regional trains -> WEG/Connex Light rail, Tram and city buses -> City of Stuttgart Regional bus companies: -> more or less private
Right of initiative to create PT services Heavy rail and suburban rail: -> S tate of Baden-Württemberg and the Greater Stuttgart Region PT in the City of Stuttgart: -> the City of Stuttgart PT (bus) in the administrative districts: -> if no subsidies needed: the operators -> if subsidies needed: the administrative districts
Integration system Full integration - zone system for determination of the ticket fare - one ticket for all modes - same fare for all modes - several interchanges are possible - fare is not depending on number of interchanges
Share of responsibilities Network Company (for the whole network area): information and promotion, network management Operators (for the whole network area): fares and ticketing Heavy rail and suburban rail: PTA: definition of service; quality management Operators: personnel and employment conditions PT in the City of Stuttgart: PTA: definition of service; quality management Operators: personnel and employment conditions PT (bus) in the administrative districts: PTA (if subsidies needed): definition of service Operators (if no subsidies needed): definition of service Operators (in both cases): personnel and employment conditions
Existing contract: suburban rail (S-Bahn) Contract was directly awarded Covers the whole region with almost 9 million train-km Valid until 2012 Net-contract with around 65% farebox revenues
Existing contract: suburban rail (S-Bahn) Main contents: Minimum volume of supply is defined Regulations in case of increasing or decreasing volume Regulations concerning new lines and more volume on existing lines Subsidies for existing and future train-km are already defined Who is in charge of the definition of service and quality How to proceed at the end of the contract when the new contract is going to be tendered Financial regulations (how much has to be paid when) Distribution Quality management system
The measurement of quality Punctuality at 6 stations, devided in peak and off peak Special trained external personnel checks criteria like cleanliness, information within the trains and if the trains are damaged Passengers are asked how the feel about punctuality, information, cleanliness, security Both objective and subjective results are relevant for bonus and malus (all in all max. around 1 million ): objective 70% und subjective 30% in addition to the bonus/malus system all trains that did not run are not paid by the region (without regarding the reason)
Development of quality since 2002 Ticket machines Management of complaints Information in trains Free of damage Cleanliness in trains
Development of quality since 2002 PuncutalityCleanlinessSecurityDamagesNumber of seats Information (normal case) Information (disturbanc es) Satisfaction of passangers
How to proceed with malus payments? Penalty is used to increase the quality of infrastructrue First project was an automatically announcement of the stations in the trains Current project: realtime information at stations and New signals to increase speed of trains
Subsidies for regional buses Bus operators have a gross-contract with the Greater Stuttgart Region Gross-contract is based on the revenue the operators had before the integration, 11 years ago. For new bus lines the contracts are negotiated between operators, counties or communities and the Greater Stuttgart Region There is no monitoring of the contratcs Contracts do not include incentives
Development of costs Subsidies S-Bahn Subsidies regional busoperators Farebox revenue Cost of living index Subsidies per train-km Subsidies per bus-km
Development of costs Subsidies S-Bahn Subsidies regional busoperators Farebox revenue Cost of living index Subsidies per train-km Subsidies per bus-km
Development of costs Subsidies S-Bahn Subsidies regional busoperators Farebox revenue Cost of living index Subsidies per train-km Subsidies per bus-km
Development of costs Subsidies S-Bahn Subsidies regional busoperators Farebox revenue Cost of living index Subsidies per train-km Subsidies per bus-km
Development of costs Subsidies S-Bahn Subsidies regional busoperators Farebox revenue Cost of living index Subsidies per train-km Subsidies per bus-km
Financing public transport in the future Contract for the S-Bahn is going to be tendered Financing of the bus system in the future is currently to be discussed in working groups. Counties and operators reject tendering contracts. existing contracts with the bus operators are going to be evaluated according to the 4th criteria of the European Court of Justice with a target costs evaluation