National Regulations in Sweden for Construction Works; Roads, Streets, Railways, Tramways and Subways International Partnership Meeting January 14-15, 2015 Per Andersson
Change of position (since last year)
Transport policy objectives
Four modes of transport – the same responsibility Preparing/ Designing National Rules and Regulations Examining and Issuing Permits Supervision Statistics on Accidents Maintain Registries
Facts The Agency is a part of the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Operates in 13 locations Approximately 1750 employees
How is the construction market regulated ? Facilitating trade between the countries within the EU Market. Removes barriers for trade -These are conditions for the sale of products that are subject to harmonization EU´s CPR; Construction Products Regulation
National Legislation (MS) on Requirements for Construction Works How is the construction market regulated ? EU´s CPR; Construction Products Regulation
Basic Requirements for Construction Works according to CPR Mechanical resistance and stability Safety in case of fire Hygiene, health and the environment Safety and accessibility in use Protection against noise Energy economy and heat retention Sustainable use of natural resources How is the construction market regulated ? National Legislation (MS) on Requirements for Construction Works
How is the rail system regulated ? Facilitating safety and interoperability of the rail system within the Community. Removes barriers for transportation. -These are conditions for the sale of products based on standardized constituents EU´s Railway Safety Directive, EU´s Directive on Interoperability
Roles and Responsibilities Swedish National Board of Housing Swedish Transport Agency Road & Rail Infrastructure Buildings Construction products National Regulations Advice, Handbooks etc. Technical Requirements General Requirements Swedish Transport Administration National Regulations General Requirements Technical Requirements Advice, Handbooks etc.
c c c Extent of the Regulatory mandate Existing Regulations VVFS 2003:140 Technical Requirements for the building of roads and streets VVFS 2004:31 Mechanical resistance, stability and durability for construction of roads and streets VVFS 2004:43 Application of European technical rules for the structural design BFS2011:10 (EKS) Application of European technical rules for the structural design (eurocodes) The Regulatory mandate Roads and streets, incl. devices associated with them (eg, bridges, tunnels and road equipment). Railways, subways, tramways, incl. devices associated with them. Basic Requirements may be issued by TS Mechanical resistance and stability Safety in case of fire Safety in use Hygiene, health and the environment Protection against noise
Swedish Transport Agency, PBF Rail Regulation TSD (EU) The Environ- mental Code Road Tunnel Security … Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning Road Marking Regulation Security in Subways and Tramways Road Regulation Work environment Regulation Swedish Transport Administration Client Requirements Boundaries of the Regulatory mandate
Construction market turnover Anläggningsbranschen – utveckling, marknadsstruktur och konjunkturkänslighet PM 2012:1 The construction market turnover is about 100 billion SEK/ year ≈ 12,85 billion US$/ year Of which the public part, dominated by infrastructure projects, is about 50% Public Billion SEK as of 2010
Anläggningsbranschen – utveckling, marknadsstruktur och konjunkturkänslighet PM 2012:1 Construction Market´s share of GDP is 2-4% Construction market turnover
Mechanical resistance and stability Safety in case of fire Safety in use Hygiene, health, environment Noise Effects of the Regulatory mandate
Areas of expertise Geotechnical eng. Hygiene Noise Road equipment Road design Road eng./ construction Rock eng. Bridge eng. Environment Health ”Tramways” Tunnel eng. ””Subways” ”Fire” Safety systems Installations Ventilation Safety in use “Track bed” Rail design “Superstructure” National economy
Deliveries Alt. 3 Roads, Streets, Railways, subways, tramways, incl. devices associated with them). Basic requirements, PBF 3 chapter 7-10,13 § Alt. 2 Roads and streets, incl. devices associated with them). Basic requirements, PBF 3 chapter 7-10,13 § Alt. 1 VVFS 2003:140 Alt. 2 Railways, subways, tramways, incl. devices associated with them). Basic requirements, PBF 3 chapter 7-10, 13 § Alt. 1 VVFS 2004:43 ( :31 + EKS 9) Alt Alt
Timetable: Delivery 1, Transport Agency regulations and general advice on the application of European technical rules for the structural design (Eurocodes)
Timetable: Delivery 2, Two regulations for Roads and Streets & Railroad, Tramway and Subway
5-step decision principle; capitalize TS interests by (inter) national partnerships:
Strategy for international work, interactions and contacts Organizations Conferences/ seminars
Thank you for your attention !