Transcontinental Railroad
Railroad across the continent Railroad across the continent Connected Sacramento and Omaha Connected Sacramento and Omaha Created jobs for many immigrants Created jobs for many immigrants
Union Pacific
Union Pacific used Irish immigrants Union Pacific used Irish immigrants Built West from Omaha Built West from Omaha
Central Pacific
Used Chinese immigrants Used Chinese immigrants Built east from Sacramento Built east from Sacramento
Impact of the railroad
After the railroad
End of Indian control Land and food source was destroyed by the white settlers Land and food source was destroyed by the white settlers
Timber for houses Fruit and vegetables food
Brought east and west together Combined the resources from different parts of the U.S. Combined the resources from different parts of the U.S.
Increased farming in the West Provided land for farming and ranching Provided land for farming and ranching
Changed the way people lived Could live away from water sources Could live away from water sources Set schedules----created time zones Set schedules----created time zones
Bessemer Convertor
Steel Used for railroads and bridges Used for railroads and bridges Bessemer process made production easier and cheaper. Bessemer process made production easier and cheaper.
Tesla---electric generator
Edison and the light bulb
Electricity Tesla’s electric generator harnessed water power Tesla’s electric generator harnessed water power Edison– light bulb ( did not invent electricity) Edison– light bulb ( did not invent electricity) Edison also invented the phonograph and about a thousand other things. Edison also invented the phonograph and about a thousand other things.
Alexander Graham Bell Bells’ First telephone
Communication Alexander Graham Bell—Telephone improved on the telegraph Alexander Graham Bell—Telephone improved on the telegraph
Department stores
Mass production
Shopping Mass production Mass production Ready made clothes Ready made clothes Catalog sales Catalog sales Department stores---Marshall Fields--- Macy’s Department stores---Marshall Fields--- Macy’s
Andrew Carnegie
Steel Industry Steel Industry Founded libraries and other charities Founded libraries and other charities Gave away 350 million dollars Gave away 350 million dollars
John D. Rockefeller
Monopoly octopus
John D. Rockefeller Oil refineries Oil refineries Developed trust companies---own all means of production---creates monopolies Developed trust companies---own all means of production---creates monopolies
Philanthropy Giving away money for the common good—Libraries, colleges, the Arts, churches Giving away money for the common good—Libraries, colleges, the Arts, churches
Corporations Company that raises money by selling stock---no single owner Company that raises money by selling stock---no single owner
Sweatshops Long hours Long hours Crowded conditions Crowded conditions Little pay Little pay No laws for protection No laws for protection
Child Labor Started at age 7 Started at age 7 No school for most kids No school for most kids Worked from morning to night ( just like adult) Worked from morning to night ( just like adult)
Muckraker- Person who attempted to address conditions in sweatshops and other industries through writing. The point was to publicize the problem. Add to your notes
Labor Unions Groups of workers that negotiate with management about wages and conditions Groups of workers that negotiate with management about wages and conditions
Knights of Labor Union formed to change society Union formed to change society Called for an 8 hour work day Called for an 8 hour work day Restrictions in child labor Restrictions in child labor Equal pay Equal pay Open to skilled and unskilled labor (problem) Open to skilled and unskilled labor (problem)
AFL American Federation of Labor American Federation of Labor Only worked with skilled labor (not a problem) Only worked with skilled labor (not a problem)
Haymarket Riot Strike at the McCormick Reaper factory Strike at the McCormick Reaper factory One policeman killed—set off more violence One policeman killed—set off more violence Gave unions a bad reputation Gave unions a bad reputation
Pullman Strike Pullman car---Sleeping car on a train Pullman car---Sleeping car on a train Pullman cut worker wages by 25% Pullman cut worker wages by 25% Company town—refused to lower prices in town for things like rent and food. Company town—refused to lower prices in town for things like rent and food.