Sandy Lewis, Chairman Physio First 3 current issues that Private Practitioners in the UK are dealing with …
Independent Prescribing The Rise of Commercial Networks! Getting Organised
Issue 1 Independent Prescribing
The Background: Since 2005, Physiotherapists who have undergone the appropriate training, in the UK have had supplementary prescribing rights. This still meant that: All medication had to be prescribed by a Medical Practitioner & that the private practitioner had to have “an appropriate relationship” with that Medical Practitioner in order to administer medication.
Independent Prescribing The Issue: Trying to persuade the Govt & the medical world that Physios were not only capable of managing & administering medication but also of prescribing medication. In 2012, after 10 years of campaigning, UK Physiotherapists were given the green light for independent prescribing. This allows Physiotherapists to prescribe any licensed medicine and to also mix medicines prior to administration.
Independent Prescribing Physio First’s Approach: None save to look at the immediate business case because … It was all the work of the CSP who battled for years The HCPC will be setting up 26 week, part time University courses which will cost approx £2000 They will only be offered to advanced practitioners roles working especially in respiratory, neurology, women’s health and chronic pain.
Independent Prescribing Physio First’s Approach: The business case for private practitioners currently is that few small practices will meet the course entry criteria but those from larger private practices, private clinics & hospitals & those who provide services to NHS organisations should. Health Minister Lord Howe said: “Physiotherapists and podiatrists are highly trained clinicians who play a vital role in ensuring patients receive integrated care that helps them recover after treatment or manage a long term condition successfully. “By introducing these changes, we aim to make the best use of their skills and allow patients to benefit from a faster and more effective service, without compromising on safety.”
Issue 2 The Rise of Commercial Networks!
The Rise of Commercial Networks The Background: The UK private practice market has had “Networks” for years: “Preferred Provider” networks for Private Medical Insurers for 20 years “Commercial Intermediary” networks for Road Accident Insurers for 13 years.
The Rise of Commercial Networks The Issue: The “Networks” are getting more organised & deploying “Managed Care” which means: The Networks have developed Triage: m s: –Which determine “if” patients should go to a Physio or Self-Manage –Even if sent to a Physio, allow very limited numbers of treatment Physio First expect Network Triage to develop to “tell” Physios “how” to treat – an affront to clinical autonomy!
The Rise of Commercial Networks Physio First’s Approach: To get organised enough to be able to challenge them on commercial terms which we have determined to be “Evidence Based”, “Cost Efficiency” & “Brand” & plan to: Engage with Commercial Networks so that we acquire as much information as possible from them & about them Over 5-Years consider developing a Physio First supported Network that is a true “Brand”… which requires very hard work & very sophisticated commercial acumen!
Issue 3 Getting Organised
The Background: Changes & increasingly faster changes in the UK private practice marketplace AND … our strategic review in 2008 where we decided to try to become functional …
Getting Organised The Background: From 2008 we spent the next 5-years Providing a Job Profile for EVERY Role Running strictly to our Business Plan Focusing on “good” internal communication Woking on how to manage our Capacity (time, energy & money) Developing our Culture i.e. written down & agreed behaviour Planning everything!
Getting Organised The Issue: So having become “more organised we then “knew” we had to undertake another strategic review … this time more fundamental … … this time to review why we existed i.e. to answer the question: “What should Physio First be for?” AND to develop: 5-Year Business Plan priorities
Getting Organised Physio First’s Approach: After 3-days of facilitated meetings we answered the question: “What should Physio First be for?” and will sign off our: 5-Year Business Plan priorities … next week!!!
Getting Organised What should Physio First be for? Answer: To Champion evidence based cost effective private physiotherapy with Physio First members in a changing healthcare marketplace.
Physio First 5-Year Plan